Transport and tourism

Carriage of goods by lorryQ1 2013


About the statistics


Name and topic

Name: Carriage of goods by lorry
Topic: Transport and tourism

Next release

Responsible division

Division for Energy, Environmental and Transport Statistics

Definitions of the main concepts and variables

Imports of goods

Imports cover goods declared by customs, directly or through a warehouse. Single items with a value of less than NOK 1.000 are not included in the statistics.

Exports of goods

Exports of goods are mainly based on customs declarations. Single items with a value of less than NOK 1 000 and some specific movements of goods, such as goods for repair, are not included in the statistics.

Standard klassifikasjoner

The goods are grouped according to the Commodity classification for Transport Statistics in Europe, NST2007.

Countries: The country list follows the international standard ISO-3166. For Europe, country is given, for other countries, only continent is given. The same division is used for imports (country of origin and country of departure), exports (country of destination), and country of registration of the lorry.

Quantity: Gross weight in tonnes.

Standard classifications

The goods are grouped according to the Commodity classification for Transport Statistics in Europe, NST2007.

Countries: The country list follows the international standard ISO-3166. For Europe, country is given, for other countries, only continent is given. The same division is used for imports (country of origin and country of departure), exports (country of destination), and nationality of the lorry.

Quantity: Gross weight in tonnes.

Administrative information

Regional level

Not relevant

Frequency and timeliness

Not relevant

International reporting

Not relevant


The microdata are saved as SAS and ASCII files in UNIX.


Background and purpose

The purpose is to map the cross border lorry traffic of various countries.

In 1961, statistics were introduced showing border crossings of goods transported on roads, broken down by country of registration of the vehicle. These statistics were based on monthly data from the Customs Authorities. This data collection ended in 2002.

In 2007, the statistics were re-introduced, this time based on the statistics on foreign trade compiled by Statistics Norway. Figures were given dating back to 2000.

Users and applications

The statistics are used by the transport authorities and transport industry for transport planning purposes. Industry organisations and research institutions are also major users. The statistics show the market share of Norwegian vehicles in competition with foreign vehicles, and provide important input for discussions about the operating conditions of the road haulage industry.

Equal treatment of users

Not relevant

Coherence with other statistics

The statistics External trade in goods present imports and exports by all modes of transport. The figures are given in net weight. These statistics are revised up to April in the following year, while the statistics on carriage of goods by lorry across the national border are extracted from the preliminary data files.

The statistics Road goods transport are a sample survey of Norwegian lorries with a carrying capacity of 3.5 tonnes or more and up to a total weight of 35 tonnes. The transported quantity is given in gross weight. Goods transported by lorry on ferries are included.

Legal authority

The Statistics Act, §§ 2-2, 2-3 and 3.2

EEA reference

Not relevant



The statistics cover goods transported in to and out of Norway by lorry on roads. Goods transported by lorry on ferries are not included. However, some total figures are presented to give an overview of the extent of transport by lorry and/or trailer by ferry. These total figures are not distributed by country of registration of the vehicle.

Data sources and sampling

The new routines were introduced in 2007 and use data from Statistics Norway’s external trade statistics. These are based on administrative data from customs declarations collected by the Customs Authority under the Customs Act. The relevant data are transmitted electronically from the Directorate of Customs and Excise to Statistics Norway every day (except Sunday). The statistics on carriage of goods by lorry across the national border are extracted from the preliminary figures on external trade statistics. For more information, visit the external trade statistics.

In the years 1961 to 2002, data were collected on forms from the Customs Offices every month.

Total count. Consignments declared to customs with a value of less than NOK 1 000 are excluded from the statistics. Certain kinds of commodity flows are also excluded, for example goods for repair.

Collection of data, editing and estimations

See 3.2 above.

The data are subjected to automated controls in the electronic customs declaration system. The controls are partly determined by the customs and partly in cooperation with Statistics Norway.

In the subsequent revision in Statistics Norway’s procedure codes, commodity numbers, quantities, country and transport codes are examined by a system aimed at identifying and correcting the potentially most serious errors in the data, either directly or upon consultation with the customs district. The country of registration of the transport medium cannot be controlled, and the quality of this information depends on correct registration at the time of declaration.

The revisions of the yearly statistics are usually finalised in April of the following year.

Some manual revisions were carried out on the statistics based on forms collected before 2002. All of the forms were subjected to mathematical/logical controls, which was a part of the registration process.

Imported and exported quantities are summed up by commodity, by country of registration of lorry, and by country. For countries outside Europe, only continent sums are given.

Starting 1st quarter of 2018, changes in rounding calculations may cause minor discrepancies between figures in tables in terminated series and figures in new series.

Seasonal adjustment

Not relevant


Not relevant

Comparability over time and space

As from 2007 (with figures dating back to 2000), the statistics show transported quantity (gross weight in tonnes) by commodity, country of origin, country of departure, country of destination, and country of registration of the lorry.

The statistics from 1961-2002 give the number of lorries entered and departed and transported quantity (gross weight in tonnes) by Customs Office and country of registration of the lorry.

Figures are given for the period 2000-2002 using both methodologies. These figures are based on two different sources, and are not fully comparable.

As from the 3rd quarter of 2014, a large part of the timber exports that were incorrectly registered as lorry transport over a long period were moved to rail transport. New figures date back to the 1st quarter of 2013. There will therefore be a break in the statistics between the 4th quarter of 2012 and the 1st quarter of 2013. This is primarily important for comparability with both the total number and market share of exports.

Accuracy and reliability

Sources of error and uncertainty

Collection errors may occur in the data due to misunderstandings etc., unless discovered and corrected during the customs’ controls.

Non-response errors could occur in the statistics based on forms collected before 2002 since not all customs stations recorded the actual tonnage carried by each vehicle across the border; their reporting was based on an average. Mathematical and logical controls were integrated into the data recording process. Respondents were contacted in the event of partial non-response or other significant errors.

Data from customs declarations: Non-sampling errors may be misclassification of goods (wrong commodity code), incorrect information on quantity due to a pro-rata distribution rather than direct measuring of net mass, and incorrect country codes.


Not relevant