Transport and tourism

Intermediaries of cabins2017


Intermediaries of cabins. Guest nights, by region and month
TotalArea of Oslofjord = Østfold, Akershus, Oslo and VestfoldHedmarkOpplandBuskerudTelemarkAgder = Aust-Agder and Vest-AgderRogalandHordalandSogn og FjordaneMidt-Norge = Møre og Romsdal, Sør-Trøndelag and Nord-TrøndelagNord-Norge = Nordland, Troms and Finnmark
January 2017134 72218092 9062 52925 0098 9501 6672642 9076821626
February 2017171 618427105 6169 75335 93711 2233 0471754 538238367297
March 2017140 64929091 3965 70628 4796 4542 1973134 374358531551
April 201781 89647343 7624 63616 3402 7344 1621 4956 684342948320
May 201729 8531 1661 0668072 9721 8096 8893 5246 9099583 113640
June 201754 5461 8602 6363 3633 4644 6009 3195 94113 9093 2984 6241 532
July 2017114 6993 7616 99810 0718 09513 52918 64512 05523 3617 3797 9732 832
August 2017105 8973 1453 8225 9498 61510 78919 04511 55025 5597 5307 6562 237
September 201753 7281 2535 7323 3453 7264 8449 5096 57510 6912 4214 5371 095
October 201724 3647092 2712 2224 7173 8364 3941 4782 8774351 003422
November 201717 3562917 3372 8194 1046545184268699570173
December 201784 36831444 3205 66623 3355 4221 8153662 452175340163