Higher diesel prices increased costs
Transport and tourism
kilt, Cost index for road goods transport, lorry types, fuel costs, tyre costs, insurance costs, ferry costs, road tollsLand transport , Transport and tourism

Cost index for road goods transportQ3.666666666666666667 2011



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Higher diesel prices increased costs

The total cost index for road goods transport increased by 0.3 per cent from October to November 2011. Over the last twelve months the total costs have increased by 4.6 per cent.

Cost index for road goods transport, by vehicle group. November 2010-November 2011

The fuel index increased by 1.2 per cent during the last month. From November 2010 to November 2011 this sub-index increased by 8.6 per cent.

Increase in wage index

The wage index increased by 0.2 per cent during the last month. Over the last twelve months this index has increased by 3.0 per cent.

Decrease in repair and service costs

The sub-index for repair and service costs decreased by 0.2 per cent during the last month. Over the last twelve months this index has increased by 3.7 per cent.

Decrease in capital costs

The index for capital costs decreased by 0.2 per cent from October to November 2011. Over the last twelve months this index has increased by 2.9 per cent.

About the fuel index

The fuel index is based on prices obtained from a selection of retailers located throughout Norway. Surveys show that the development in these prices is very similar to the development in the contract prices for fuel supplied by the major distributors.

About the capital cost index

The capital cost index consists of depreciation and amortisation, interest costs and annual fees.
