Transport and tourism

Cost index for road goods transportQ0.666666666666666667 2017


Cost index for road goods transport (2009=100)
February 2017
IndexPer cent
January 2017 - February 2017February 2016 - February 2017February 2012 - February 2017
1The total cost index for ferry and toll expenses for tank lorries, 3-axles without trailer is revised back to 1 January 2014 as from November 2016. Even though the index series is different, there is small percentage changes between the different months.
Without ferry costs and road tolls
Total index122.
Transport of timber, 3-axled with trailer122.
Road tractor for semitrailer, 3-axled with trailer120.
Tank lorry, 3-axled without trailer1123.60.26.410.0
Tank lorry, 3-axled with trailer121.
Refuse collectors, 2-axled123.00.35.711.5
Short distance transport, 2-axled124.40.35.510.9
Crane car, 3-axled124.70.25.611.9
Construction transport, 3-axled without trailer123.
Construction transport, 3-axled with trailer121.
Long distance transport, 3-axled with trailer118.
With ferry costs and road tolls
Total index122.
Transport of timber, 3-axled with trailer122.
Road tractor for semitrailer, 3-axled with trailer121.
Tank lorry, 3-axled without trailer124.40.36.310.9
Tank lorry, 3-axled with trailer122.
Refuse collectors, 2-axled123.40.45.712.0
Short distance transport, 2-axled124.90.35.411.6
Crane car, 3-axled124.80.25.512.1
Construction transport, 3-axled without trailer123.60.15.610.1
Construction transport, 3-axled with trailer122.
Long distance transport, 3-axled with trailer119.