Transport and tourism

Cost index for road goods transportQ2.333333333333333333 2017


Cost index for road goods transport (2009=100)
July 2017
IndexPer cent
June 2017 - July 2017July 2016 - July 2017July 2012 - July 2017
1The total cost index for ferry and toll expenses for tank lorries, 3-axles without trailer is revised back to 1 January 2014 as from November 2016. Even though the index series is different, there is small percentage changes between the different months.
Without ferry costs and road tolls
Total index120.8-
Transport of timber, 3-axled with trailer120.8-
Road tractor for semitrailer, 3-axled with trailer119.0-
Tank lorry, 3-axled without trailer1122.4-
Tank lorry, 3-axled with trailer119.4-
Refuse collectors, 2-axled121.9-
Short distance transport, 2-axled123.5-0.22.710.4
Crane car, 3-axled123.8-0.23.411.2
Construction transport, 3-axled without trailer122.6-
Construction transport, 3-axled with trailer120.6-
Long distance transport, 3-axled with trailer116.6-
With ferry costs and road tolls
Total index121.4-
Transport of timber, 3-axled with trailer121.2-
Road tractor for semitrailer, 3-axled with trailer119.8-
Tank lorry, 3-axled without trailer123.2-
Tank lorry, 3-axled with trailer120.7-
Refuse collectors, 2-axled122.3-
Short distance transport, 2-axled124.1-0.12.811.1
Crane car, 3-axled124.0-0.23.411.4
Construction transport, 3-axled without trailer122.8-
Construction transport, 3-axled with trailer120.8-
Long distance transport, 3-axled with trailer117.6-