Transport and tourism

Arrivals of vessels at Norwegian and foreign ports (discontinued)2012


Port calls at foreign ports, by register and maritime coastal area. Vessels in NIS and NOR.1
Norwegian registersNorwegian International Ship Register (NIS)The Norwegian Ship Register (NOR)
Port callsArrived gross tonnagePort callsArrived gross tonnagePort callsArrived gross tonnage
1Source Lloyd's. Only ships 1 000 gross tonnes and above. No fishing vessels.
All maritime coastal areas27 085604 520 51520 566530 431 4646 51974 089 051
Scandinavia/Baltic excluding Norway, Svalbard and Jan Mayen5 96779 626 7484 27931 214 8731 68848 411 875
N Cont Europe3 18449 371 4122 54946 267 1746353 104 238
UK/Eire4 33131 349 2451 88220 190 1022 44911 159 143
Iberian Atlantic45511 902 29939911 702 97556199 324
S Europe67726 707 22366326 533 00714174 216
Black Sea2064 868 2632034 860 18738 076
E Mediterranean1125 055 8081015 018 8171136 991
N Africa51410 125 4962919 217 558223907 938
W Africa50015 047 77835114 200 614149847 164
S & E Africa35912 506 45234512 418 2281488 224
Red Sea1758 930 4231758 930 42300
Persian Gulf45317 634 19544717 365 2996268 896
Indian Sub Continent2849 651 3682729 527 76512123 603
Far East - Asean1 31238 196 9461 11736 176 9101952 020 036
Far East - China Sea1 75766 323 8271 71665 444 29841879 529
Japan55228 634 10454228 202 67410431 430
Australasia81323 298 42567522 203 9771381 094 448
N America - Pacific46417 480 50545317 078 06011402 445
S America - Pacific1997 153 2771997 153 27700
S America - Atlantic1 92938 745 2541 20436 162 4927252 582 762
Caribbean39115 560 63138515 523 873636 758
Central America34913 539 43433213 365 07217174 362
US Gulf1 33935 412 1011 23834 398 8461011 013 255
US Atlantic72035 832 54370535 708 20515124 338
Great Lakes - Canada431 566 758431 566 75800