Transport and tourism
Vessels controlled by Norwegian enterprises made 102 798 port calls in 2013. Arrived gross tonnage was 1 483 million.

Arrivals of vessels at Norwegian and foreign ports (discontinued)2013


Port calls by register and vessel types1
All registersNorwegian registersNorwegian controlled and registered abroad
Port callsArrived gross tonnagePort callsArrived gross tonnagePort callsArrived gross tonnage
1Source Lloyd's. Only ships 1 000 gross tonnes and above. No fishing vessels.
All vessel types, the whole world102 7981 483 430 28451 537752 729 41051 261730 700 874
All Vessel types abroad65 5371 223 853 90025 773579 095 41039 764644 758 490
Tanker19 041477 388 2319 349218 342 7489 692259 045 483
Bulk vessel4 301138 050 1111 77164 436 8442 53073 613 267
General cargo/other dry cargo vessel27 175484 960 1996 585226 525 77820 590258 434 421
Passenger vessels3 93377 665 25481240 661 6273 12137 003 627
Offshore vessels9 40737 714 5746 23524 157 5613 17213 557 013
Tug and salvage vessels1 2604 550 0828623 169 4513981 380 631
Fishing and hunting vessels000000
Specialized vessels and support vessels3973 487 2141361 763 1662611 724 048
Other2338 2352338 23500
All vessels types Norway, Svalbard & Jan Mayen37 261259 576 38425 764173 634 00011 49785 942 384
Tanker3 25055 401 7311 51410 781 2511 73644 620 480
Bulk vessel1 1985 838 1166851 205 1535134 632 963
General cargo/other dry cargo vessel14 39141 647 4936 10212 218 8098 28929 428 684
Passenger vessels7 718105 182 0007 670103 884 376481 297 624
Offshore vessels9 25345 514 5428 45240 041 2898015 473 253
Tug and salvage vessels8453 625 1718083 558 8423766 329
Fishing and hunting vessels000000
Specialized vessels and support vessels5052 198 0314321 774 98073423 051
Other101169 300101169 30000