Transport and tourism

Arrivals of vessels at Norwegian and foreign ports (discontinued)2016


Port calls by register and maritime coastal area, vessels registered in NIS and NOR1
Norwegian registersNorwegian International Ship Register (NIS)The Norwegian Ship Register (NOR)
Port callsArrived gross tonnagePort callsArrived gross tonnagePort callsArrived gross tonnage
1Source Lloyd's. Only ships 1 000 gross tonnes and above. No fishing vessels.
All maritime coastal areas54 363826 314 34626 097602 051 94728 266224 262 399
Norway, Svalbard and Jan Mayen27 775191 098 4863 91726 642 26623 858164 456 220
Scandinavia/Baltic excluding Norway, Svalbard and Jan Mayen5 65281 865 3333 62632 312 7462 02649 552 587
N Cont Europe3 18654 653 3312 85953 653 760327999 571
UK/Eire4 24029 976 1212 55022 671 7521 6907 304 369
Iberian Atlantic48014 873 98444514 650 39935223 585
S Europe91435 464 58283035 035 64284428 940
Black Sea2257 856 3502247 853 21813 132
E Mediterranean1146 347 3561146 347 35600
N Africa45812 371 73845612 365 80825 930
W Africa93211 814 58989411 657 09038157 499
S & E Africa27011 239 27926611 190 804448 475
Red Sea1879 859 0241879 859 02400
Persian Gulf52125 240 71352125 240 71300
Indian Sub Continent37914 804 47637714 798 21226 264
Far East - Asean95532 529 24993832 447 9451781 304
Far East - China Sea1 61966 902 5551 61366 839 164663 391
Japan56330 535 67756330 535 67700
Australasia71920 092 67466219 744 71657347 958
N America - Pacific45916 552 81645916 552 81600
S America - Pacific3149 485 9513139 481 04914 902
S America - Atlantic1 27332 542 4451 24232 359 77831182 667
Caribbean46316 554 43445616 508 504745 930
Central America59422 592 32159122 574 397317 924
US Gulf1 32138 449 9931 32138 449 99300
US Atlantic58129 505 35057729 493 670411 680
Great Lakes - Canada1693 105 519962 785 44873320 071