Transport and tourism

Arrivals of vessels at Norwegian and foreign ports (discontinued)2016


Port calls by register and vessel types1
All registersNorwegian registersNorwegian controlled and registered abroad
Port callsArrived gross tonnagePort callsArrived gross tonnagePort callsArrived gross tonnage
1Source Lloyd's. Only ships 1 000 gross tonnes and above. No fishing vessels.
All vessel types, the whole world106 9811 711 939 31354 363826 314 34652 618885 624 967
All Vessel types abroad70 2341 460 764 22926 588635 215 86043 646825 548 369
Tanker21 036540 677 9809 039219 954 83611 997320 723 144
Bulk vessel5 248182 926 7632 33169 593 0412 917113 333 722
General cargo/other dry cargo vessel28 907580 477 7906 997245 371 40321 910335 106 387
Passenger vessels3 51496 618 6441 56065 418 2781 95431 200 366
Offshore vessels9 95848 491 9745 84427 243 5514 11421 248 423
Tug and salvage vessels1 0094 425 0045672 822 9924421 602 012
Fishing and hunting vessels000000
Specialized vessels and support vessels5357 101 7992234 767 4843122 334 315
Other2744 2752744 27500
All vessels types Norway, Svalbard & Jan Mayen36 747251 175 08427 775191 098 4868 97260 076 598
Tanker2 72132 987 7871 52611 551 1741 19521 436 613
Bulk vessel1 4686 749 6511 0992 564 3123694 185 339
General cargo/other dry cargo vessel15 64349 975 7718 66319 091 2256 98030 884 546
Passenger vessels9 630123 868 0159 604123 081 63526786 380
Offshore vessels6 25433 375 1475 94531 034 6503092 340 497
Tug and salvage vessels4171 989 0423681 746 13849242 904
Fishing and hunting vessels000000
Specialized vessels and support vessels5342 106 1754901 905 85644200 319
Other80123 49680123 49600