Transport and tourism

Arrivals of vessels at Norwegian and foreign ports (discontinued)2017


Port calls last three years, by register and continent1
Port callsArrived gross tonnagePort callsArrived gross tonnagePort callsArrived gross tonnage
1Source Lloyd's. Only ships 1 000 gross tonnes and above. No fishing vessels.
All registers
The whole world110 1191 571 379 648106 9811 711 939 313125 1162 173 273 062
Norway, Svalbard & Jan Mayen42 437285 081 02936 747251 175 08446 735292 670 771
Europe excluding Norway38 969426 082 09638 768464 808 61542 198572 380 000
Africa3 90780 193 2164 54091 426 4254 716130 949 899
Asia11 597399 011 31612 480460 772 52214 451625 748 517
North and Central America7 504244 474 5788 780279 125 4949 434320 875 990
South America3 80793 486 6454 070116 623 4755 300157 156 012
Oceania2 06643 671 7121 81548 846 5072 50974 355 482
Norwegian registers
The whole world58 915813 674 64654 363826 314 34664 621908 930 740
Norway, Svalbard & Jan Mayen32 007220 420 35827 775191 098 48636 548231 356 111
Europe excluding Norway15 003207 466 73514 823221 330 96715 841229 951 037
Africa1 61437 059 7181 68137 546 5571 47943 379 119
Asia4 297174 104 2374 401188 169 7794 555192 879 865
North and Central America3 592122 050 8613 635128 998 8853 458133 961 390
South America1 69434 332 9431 54539 852 4631 61148 642 430
Oceania87318 828 48871920 092 6741 35329 587 802
Norwegian controlled and registered abroad
The whole world51 204757 705 00252 618885 624 96760 4951 264 342 322
Norway, Svalbard & Jan Mayen10 43064 660 6718 97260 076 59810 18761 314 660
Europe excluding Norway23 966218 615 36123 945243 477 64826 357342 428 963
Africa2 29343 133 4982 85953 879 8683 23787 570 780
Asia7 300224 907 0798 079272 602 7439 896432 868 652
North and Central America3 912122 423 7175 145150 126 6095 976186 914 600
South America2 11359 153 7022 52576 771 0123 689108 513 582
Oceania1 19324 843 2241 09628 753 8331 15644 767 680