Transport and tourism

Arrivals of vessels at Norwegian and foreign ports (discontinued)2017


Port calls by register and vessel types1
All registersNorwegian registersNorwegian controlled and registered abroad
Port callsArrived gross tonnagePort callsArrived gross tonnagePort callsArrived gross tonnage
1Source Lloyd's. Only ships 1 000 gross tonnes and above. No fishing vessels.
All vessel types, the whole world125 1162 173 273 06264 621908 930 74060 4951 264 342 322
All Vessel types abroad78 3811 880 602 29128 073677 574 62950 3081 203 027 662
Tanker21 975645 540 0359 634254 256 09012 341391 283 945
Bulk vessel5 957219 221 9582 48269 830 1403 475149 391 818
General cargo/other dry cargo vessel35 188835 837 0767 547238 329 83727 641597 507 239
Passenger vessels3 797117 600 6261 73978 871 8122 05838 728 814
Offshore vessels9 95452 515 3335 83830 428 5564 11622 086 777
Tug and salvage vessels8423 651 9595322 789 327310862 632
Fishing and hunting vessels000000
Specialized vessels and support vessels6436 194 1292763 027 6923673 166 437
Other2541 1752541 17500
All vessels types Norway, Svalbard & Jan Mayen46 735292 670 77136 548231 356 11110 18761 314 660
Tanker2 90128 120 4201 81314 385 9041 08813 734 516
Bulk vessel2 0587 758 7091 7404 026 3663183 732 343
General cargo/other dry cargo vessel20 56469 806 33312 21929 078 2438 34540 728 090
Passenger vessels11 550137 605 53011 514136 502 418361 103 112
Offshore vessels8 22743 533 0597 90341 854 6443241 678 415
Tug and salvage vessels6822 805 9446622 766 6292039 315
Fishing and hunting vessels000000
Specialized vessels and support vessels6662 903 9716102 605 10256298 869
Other87136 80587136 80500