Education;Public sector;Immigration and immigrants;Svalbard



Persons employed in kindergartens, by position and qualifications
Total number of persons employed94 54093 95293 97493 81493 573
Directors6 2496 3006 3676 6596 760
with pre-school teatcher education5 6515 6865 9016 1386 132
with other college education that gives qualifications for working with children446456337404434
with vocational training1211151116
Educational leaders27 65227 02126 87825 15826 093
with pre-school teatcher education25 30024 72624 62022 49022 539
with other college education that gives qualifications for working with children7846839851 1421 349
with vocational training429427514518712
Kindergarten teacher or equivalent08129511 4000
with pre-school teatcher education07157851 2680
with other college education that gives qualifications for working with children0971661330
Childcare and youth worker013 79913 01011 9170
with vocational training013 799000
Assistents028 92329 76131 17143 676
with other college education that gives qualifications for working with children004 9031 708881
other college education02 013000
skilled worker training02 018000
other background024 89224 85829 3910
Bilingual assistants1 3981 2991 3301 3671 148
with pre-school teatcher education328304383306124
with other college education that gives qualifications for working with children214316912982
with vocational training119114848071
Other educational personal7 4156 7286 2396 3586 367
with pre-school teatcher education2 2052 0272 2042 2242 065
with other college education that gives qualifications for working with children1442381 031938944
with vocational training981794747684613
Office staff1 4461 4411 4981 5791 495
Other paid help7 5907 6297 9408 2058 034