Education;Public sector;Immigration and immigrants;Svalbard



Persons employed in kindergartens, by position and qualifications
Total number of persons employed95 90996 74496 09894 54093 952
Directors5 9806 0546 1986 2496 300
with pre-school teatcher education5 3785 4785 6395 6515 686
with other college education that gives qualifications for working with children562431438446456
with vocational training612111211
Educational leaders31 53831 69431 24927 65227 021
with pre-school teatcher education28 36527 98427 08625 30024 726
with other college education that gives qualifications for working with children9051 002826784683
with vocational training7369731 163429427
Other primary functions40 32540 87340 67542 79043 534
with pre-school teatcher education293264334560
with other college education that gives qualifications for working with children874848824930
other college education1 1511 1631 1661 298
skilled worker training18 21617 57616 68016 620
other background19 79121 02221 67123 382
Bilingual assistants1 0351 2001 3471 3981 299
with pre-school teatcher education203255307328304
with other college education that gives qualifications for working with children69102143
with vocational training135119113119114
Other educational personal8 4878 3157 6987 4156 728
with pre-school teatcher education2 2712 3732 2552 2052 027
with other college education that gives qualifications for working with children138140118144238
with vocational training1 3601 2481 061981794
Office staff1 2131 2441 4531 4461 441
Other paid help7 3347 3647 4787 5907 629