Education;Immigration and immigrants
Number of credit points and university and college graduations.

Credits and graduations from higher education2013/2014


Credit points production of ordinary full-time tertiary students, by academic year, sex and type of institution. Per cent
Total number of ordinary students1Per cent
Total0 credit points1-29 credit points30-59 credit points60 credit points and more
1Ordinary students those registered per 1 October with start the academic year yyyy and are not on continuing education. Students on distance education and part-time students are not in these figures either.
2Other university colleges includes: Oslo National Academy of the Arts, Bergen Academy of Art and Design, Norwegian Police University College and private university colleges.
Total170 823100.08.47.928.854.9
Universities80 076100.09.38.530.152.1
Specialised university institutions18 290100.08.710.333.847.3
State university colleges57 996100.06.06.827.659.7
Military university colleges1 975100.
Other university colleges212 486100.05.85.622.466.2
Males71 683100.010.69.529.350.6
Universities34 303100.
Specialised university institutions9 545100.08.911.534.944.8
State university colleges21 781100.07.98.728.355.0
Military university colleges1 642100.055.611.04.828.6
Other university colleges24 412100.07.25.421.865.6
Females99 140100.06.86.728.458.0
Universities45 773100.08.17.429.854.8
Specialised university institutions8 745100.
State university colleges36 215100.04.85.627.162.5
Military university colleges333100.
Other university colleges28 074100.05.15.722.766.5