Statistikk innhold
Statistics about
Post-secondary vocational education
The statistics cover all students in post-secondary vocational education as of 1 October and completed programmes during the period 1 October-30 September.
Selected figures from this statistics
- Students in post-secondary vocational educationDownload table as ...Students in post-secondary vocational education
Number of students Graduations from post-secondary vocational education 2023 2024 2022-2023 2023-2024 Total 29 564 31 927 11 200 12 512 Per cent women 46.5 47.2 52.9 51.9 Per cent in public schools 46.8 46.9 46.5 41.9 Per cent in 2 year programmes 46.0 45.3 35.4 37.0 2021/2022 figures for graduations in post-secondary vocational education were corrected 17 March 2023. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Age of students in post-secondary vocational educationDownload table as ...Age of students in post-secondary vocational education
2024 In total Public Private Number of students 31 927 14 971 16 956 Per cent 20 years old and younger 3.0 2.7 3.3 Per cent 21-25 years old 22.3 26.9 18.2 Per cent 26-30 years old 18.9 21.1 16.9 Per cent 31-35 years old 16.7 16.6 16.8 Per cent 36-40 years old 13.7 12.5 14.9 Per cent 41-45 years old 10.6 9.1 11.9 Per cent 46-50 years old 7.6 5.9 9.1 Per cent 51 years old and older 7.2 5.2 8.8 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Immigration category for students in post-secondary vocational educationDownload table as ...Immigration category for students in post-secondary vocational education
2024 Number of students Per cent men Per cent women Per cent in public schools Per cent in private schools Total 31 927 52.8 47.2 46.9 53.1 Immigrants 5 974 38.4 61.6 30.5 69.5 Norwegian-born to immigrant parents 806 61.8 38.2 34.0 66.0 Other population 25 147 55.9 44.1 51.2 48.8 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Field of education and duration for students in post-secondary vocational educationDownload table as ...Field of education and duration for students in post-secondary vocational education
2024 All, regardless of duration Duration Under 2 years 2 years Both sexes Males Females Males Females Fields of education, total 31 927 5 378 12 077 11 464 3 008 Humanities and arts 2 143 145 394 401 1 203 Education 1 000 146 854 0 0 Social sciences and law 405 88 202 66 49 Business and administration 4 378 1 162 2 854 101 261 Natural sciences, vocational and technical subjects 14 136 2 155 973 9 736 1 272 Health, welfare and sport 7 100 938 6 037 50 75 Primary industries 435 208 207 14 6 Transport and communications, safety and security and other services 2 330 536 556 1 096 142 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Immigration category and sex for graduations in post-secondary vocational educationDownload table as ...Immigration category and sex for graduations in post-secondary vocational education
2023-2024 Number Per cent men Per cent women Per cent in public schools Per cent in private schools Total 12 512 48.1 51.9 41.9 58.1 Immigrants 2 149 36.2 63.8 29.8 70.2 Norwegian-born to immigrant parents 290 52.1 47.9 26.2 73.8 Other population 10 073 50.5 49.5 45.0 55.0 2021/2022 figures for graduations in post-secondary vocational education were corrected 17 March 2023. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Duration and field of education for graduations in post-secondary vocational educationDownload table as ...Duration and field of education for graduations in post-secondary vocational education
2023-2024 Under 2 years 2 years Both sexes Males Females Males Females Fields of education, total 12 512 2 591 5 291 3 424 1 206 Humanities and arts 962 113 268 167 414 Education 307 48 259 0 0 Social sciences and law 194 32 99 33 30 Business and administration 2 629 512 1 573 157 387 Natural sciences, vocational and technical subjects 4 800 1 174 510 2 778 338 Health, welfare and sport 2 601 298 2 295 0 8 Primary industries 221 132 83 0 6 Transport and communications, safety and security and other services 798 282 204 289 23 2021/2022 figures for graduations in post-secondary vocational education were corrected 17 March 2023. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Students who have completed post-secondary vocational education, field of study and employment statusDownload table as ...Students who have completed post-secondary vocational education, field of study and employment status1
2020-2021 2021-2022 Numbers Pr cent Numbers Pr cent Fields of education, total 9 745 86.9 10 428 87.6 Humanities and arts 1 107 66.6 1 191 66.7 Education 148 96.6 212 96.7 Social sciences and law 172 73.8 228 73.2 Business and administration 1 816 82.7 2 296 87.2 Natural sciences, vocational and technical subjects 3 011 88.5 3 123 89.0 Health, welfare and sport 2 177 96.8 2 277 96.2 Primary industries 155 94.2 147 90.5 Transport and communications, safety and security and other services 726 88.0 802 89.7 Unspecified field of study 433 93.3 152 91.4 1Employment status is based on a reference week in November, same year as the students completed their studies. The numbers are retrieved from the same source as; employment, register-based. 2021/2022 figures for graduations in post-secondary vocational education were corrected 17 March 2023. Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ...
About the statistics
The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 11 December 2023.
Enrolled students
Students registered at an approved institution post-secondary vocational education as of 1 October.
Completed education
An education activity is recognized as completed when the institution the students are attending, awards them a diploma or provides some other evidence that they have met the full requirements for completion.
Highest educational attainment of parents
Parental educational attainment is divided into four categories:
- Primary and lower secondary education
- Upper secondary education
- Higher education, short (at least two years, but also 4 years or less)
- Higher education, long (more than four years).
Parental educational attainment is defined by the one parent with the highest level of education. For example, if the parental educational attainment of a student is “Higher education, short,” it implies that at least one of the parents has education at this level. Cases where there is no information on the level of education of any of the parents falls into the “Unspecified” group. See also the definitions of educational level.
Persons born abroad of two foreign-born parents and four foreign-born grandparents.
Norwegian-born to immigrant parents
Persons who are born in Norway of two parents born abroad, and in addition have four grandparents born abroad.
School county
The county where the institution is located.
Schools are classified as either public or private.
Age Estimated as of December 31.
Educational activities are grouped by the Norwegian Standard Classification of Education which was established in 1970 by Statistics Norway and later revised in 1973, 1989 and 2000. Educational institutions are classified as being higher education by the Standard Industrial Classification.
For international purposes, ISCED 2011 (International Standard Classification of Education) is used.