Universities and colleges - StatRes (discontinued)2009


All releases for Universities and colleges - StatRes (discontinued) - annually

List of Previous releases
Publishing date Measurement period News title
25 August 2014 2013 More students in tertiary education
22 August 2013 2012 10.7 primary applicants per student place at Norwegian School of Veterinary Science
22 August 2012 2011 Number of police students triples
27 October 2011 2010 More completed 60-credit points
1 November 2010 2009 Steady increase in expenditures for state-owned universities and colleges
26 October 2009 2008 Increased expenditures for state-owned universities and colleges
23 October 2008 2007 Increased costs per study credit
26 June 2008 2006/2007 Largest increase in university degrees
25 October 2007 2005/2006 Slight increase in man-years