External economy

International reserves and foreign currency liquidityJune 2017, final figures


International reserves and foreign liquidity. NOK million
I. Official reserve assets and other foreign currency assetsJune 2017
A. Official reserve assets NOK543 256
(1) Foreign currency reserves477 223
(a) Securities468 734
of which: issuer headquartered in reporting country but located abroad0
(b) total currency and deposits with:8 489
(i) other national central banks, BIS and IMF8 089
(ii) banks headquartered in the reporting country0
of which: located abroad0
(iii) banks headquartered outside the reporting country400
of which: located in the reporting country0
(2) IMF reserved position6 170
(3) SDRs16 437
(4) Gold0
(5) Other reserve assets43 426
financial derivatives6
loan til nonbank nonrisidents0
other43 420
B. Other foreign currency assets926
securities not included in official reserve assets0
deposits not included in official reserve assets287
loand not included in official reserve assets0
financial derivatives not included in official reserve assets0
gold not included in official reserve assets0
II. Predetermined short-term net drains on foreign currency assets (nominal value)June 2017
MaturityMaurity, totalMaurity 0-1 mndMaurity 1-3 mndMaurity 3-12 mnd
1.Foreign currency loans, securities, and deposits-170-170
outflows (-) - Principal0000
outflows (-) - (Interest)-170-170
inflows (+) - Principal0000
inflows (+) - Interest0000
2. Aggregate short and long positions in forwards
(a) Short positions (-)-1 700-1 70000
(b) Long positions (+)87487400
3. Other-19 181-19 18100
outflows related to repos (-)-419-41900
inflows related to reverse repos (+)0000
trade credit (-)0000
trade credit (+)0000
other accounts payable (-)-18 762-18 76200
other accounts receivable (+)0000
IV. Memo itemsJune 2017
(a) Short term domestic currency debt indexed to the exchange rate0
(b) Financial instruments denominated in foreign currency and settled by other means (NOK)0
derivatives (forwards, futures or options contracts)0
(c) Pledged assets0
(d) Securities lent and on repo32 415
lent or repoed and included in section I-7 873
lent or repoed but not included in section I0
borrowed or acquired and included in section I0
borrowed or acquired but not included in section I40 288
(e) Financial derivative assets (net, marked to market)6
(f) Derivatives (forward, futures or options contracts) that have a residual maturity greater than one year0
aggregated short and long positions in forwards and futures in foreign currencies vis-á-vis the domestic currency (including the forward leg of currency swaps)
aggregate short and long positions of options in foreign currencies cis-á-vis the domestic currency
(2) To be disclosed at least once a year:
Currency composition of reserves543 256
currencies in SDR basket501 560
Currency Composition of Reserves, Denominated in US Dollars278 856
Currency Composition of Reserves, Denominated in Euros142 917
Currency Composition of Reserves, Denominated in Chinese Yuan0
Currency Composition of Reserves, Denominated in Japanese Yen41 599
Currency Composition of Reserves, Denominated in UK Pound Sterling38 188
currencies not in SDR basket41 696