External economy

International reserves and foreign currency liquidityNovember 2016, preliminary figures


International reserves and foreign liquidity, preliminary figures. NOK million
November 2016
Official reserve assets, preliminary figures523 133
(1) Foreign currency reserves437 990
(a) Securities420 302
of which: issuer headquartered in reporting country but located abroad0
(b) total currency and deposits with:17 688
(i) other national central banks, BIS and IMF16 733
(ii) banks headquartered in the reporting country0
of which: located abroad0
(iii) banks headquartered outside the reporting country955
of which: located in the reporting country0
(2) IMF reserved position6 105
(3) SDFs14 737
(4) Gold0
(5) Other reserve assets64 300
financial derivatives16
loan til nonbank nonrisidents0
other64 284
B. Other foreign currency assets1 333
securities not included in official reserve assets0
deposits not included in official reserve assets116
loand not included in official reserve assets0
financial derivatives not included in official reserve assets-2
gold not included in official reserve assets0
other1 220