External economy

External trade in goods2013


Imports of goods from developing countries, preferential treatment by the GSP system. NOK Million and per cent12
1The GSP (Generalised System of Preferences) is a system that offers lower duties which enable the world's poorest countries to introduce their goods to Norway duty free or at reduced tariffs. LDC treatment within the GSP involves tariff and quota-free market access, while the ordinary GSP treatment involves some additional restrictions.
2This table shows figures for the GSP system where the agreement is implemented. Previously published information for countries with a GSP agreement includes figures for all countries that can be covered by the agreement. The figures in this table will, therefore, be somewhat lower.
3In addition to the countries that are defined as LDCs according to the OECD, Norway has chosen to apply the LDC treatment to low-income countries with populations below 75 million. Botswana, Namibia and Swaziland have also retained an approximate LDC treatment. The figures for LDCs in this table may therefore differ somewhat from ordinary LDC figures.
All developing countries with GSP agreement57 76769 01477 67179 93279 943
Ordinary GSP countries
Total53 84264 62173 85174 98175 702
Dutiable imports9 66511 03312 22113 86613 905
Commodities eligible for GSP treatment6 5796 5947 34210 44110 479
Commodities GSP treatment effected5 1455 8206 4689 3679 404
GSP, degree of utilization (in per cent)78.288.388.189.789.7
LDC countries with GSP agreement3
Total3 9244 3933 8204 9504 240
Dutiable imports9821 1511 4362 0332 000
Commodities eligible for GSP treatment9821 1511 4362 0332 000
Commodities GSP treatment effected9371 0581 3161 9061 873
GSP, degree of utilization (in per cent)95.492.091.693.793.6