External economy
The external trade statistics describes the development in Norwegian foreign trade, measured in value and quantity. The trade surplus amounted to NOK 343 billion in 2014 - down 10.7 per cent from 2013. This

External trade in goods2014

At 10 am on 16 November 2015 external trade in goods statistic is updated with revised figures on crude oil exports for the period 2013, 2014 and 2015 January-September. Figures are available in Statbank, see table for changes.


Exports of crude oil and natural gas in gaseous state1
Crude oil and natural gas in gaseous state in totalCrude oilNatural gas in gaseous state
NOK Million1000 TonnesNOK Million1000 Barrels1000 TonnesNOK MillionMillion standard cibic metres (SM3)1000 Tonnes
1Norway first exports of crude oil was in 1971, while exports of natural gas started in 1977.
2000306 625177 378258 8361 028 593137 63747 78948 52139 741
2001295 716179 908234 6981 059 436141 98061 01850 53437 928
2002257 330185 811197 9211 010 417135 54359 40964 40050 269
2003257 937181 214195 699949 980127 00862 23871 09954 206
2004311 485181 397237 468926 602124 38374 01776 27257 013
2005392 592173 173289 453831 028111 821103 13982 50661 352
2006456 129163 358309 252742 458100 035146 87784 58263 323
2007444 181161 147309 675726 12697 281134 50685 68463 866
2008569 310159 400359 369666 48389 085209 94194 56370 315
2009404 665158 178243 521642 30885 909161 14496 56372 269
2010436 547150 576281 985578 12077 465154 56297 39473 111
2011514 393140 830321 248511 82868 362193 14596 50072 467
2012548 643145 137306 825471 48562 808241 818109 48082 329
2013523 681137 579283 640441 43458 946240 041103 87578 634
2014487 521139 037278 086453 93260 620209 435102 37278 417