External economy

External trade in goods2017


Imports and exports of goods, by trade areas, continents and countries. NOK Million
ImportsExportsTrade balance
Total629 042684 585751 583860 692122 541176 107
Trade areas
Nordic countries123 892134 14692 693114 661-31 199-19 485
EFTA9 19310 8787 9167 720-1 277-3 158
EU379 200402 391587 655695 397208 455293 006
OECD475 354529 604653 647769 989178 293240 385
Developing countries118 642126 16768 23562 450-50 407-63 717
LDC - least developed countries3 7883 9995 4673 3161 679-683
Continents and countries
Europe407 266435 452604 902716 001197 636280 549
Belgium11 03310 49932 70640 68721 67330 187
Denmark34 01037 10129 93639 796-4 0742 696
Estonia4 7635 4141 2011 557-3 561-3 857
Finland14 66714 9079 96213 320-4 705-1 588
France20 01920 87150 45554 73230 43633 861
Greece5686841 0711 102503419
Ireland4 4435 83011 6969 8527 2534 022
Iceland1 8422 9063 6764 5181 8351 611
Italy18 27920 8829 85011 341-8 429-9 541
Lithuania6 7077 4165 1026 204-1 606-1 212
Netherlands24 36326 23379 88383 33655 52057 103
Poland21 47323 01417 39919 072-4 075-3 942
Portugal2 6212 4814 7574 9812 1372 500
Romania2 9232 433760948-2 162-1 485
Russia9 75512 6242 2682 186-7 487-10 438
Slovakia3 1833 345324312-2 859-3 033
Spain13 82913 57313 70319 509-1265 936
United Kingdom30 79632 436155 448190 654124 652158 217
Switzerland7 2857 9114 2363 190-3 049-4 720
Sweden72 63078 43048 25256 069-24 378-22 361
Czech Republic6 8637 2911 8641 997-4 999-5 294
Turkey6 8107 0644 1646 889-2 646-174
Germany72 82475 740106 695133 77333 87158 033
Hungary2 7122 740804884-1 908-1 857
Austria4 4555 0601 7682 147-2 687-2 913
Other countries in Europe8 4138 5676 9226 945-1 491-1 622
Asia145 722161 47872 25871 510-73 464-89 968
Hong Kong8039731 6801 593877620
India3 5103 9372 1612 479-1 349-1 457
Japan14 27114 10510 25510 058-4 016-4 047
China67 13067 22919 76017 097-47 370-50 132
Malaysia2 3463 4601 5052 134-841-1 326
Singapore11 9762 8868 4829 626-3 4946 740
South Korea27 13146 24110 7588 293-16 373-37 948
Taiwan4 0654 1741 6931 696-2 372-2 478
Thailand3 4095 8452 3602 586-1 050-3 259
Vietnam3 2644 3582 6333 031-631-1 327
Other countries in Asia7 8178 27010 97112 9173 1544 647
North and Central America53 04363 32347 88852 945-5 155-10 378
Canada10 87013 3448 1819 878-2 690-3 466
United States38 97346 26731 33638 749-7 637-7 518
Other countries in North- and Central America3 2003 7128 3714 3185 171606
South America14 10114 3446 6115 786-7 490-8 557
Brazil9 1259 7454 2464 182-4 878-5 563
Chile1 1289581 1326363-322
Peru1 9041 525105109-1 799-1 416
Other countries in South-America1 9442 1161 128859-816-1 256
Africa7 7178 43717 22512 5529 5084 115
Angola4312543 8941 3673 4631 112
Botswana1 1401721--1 140-172
South Africa1 8802 3511 479696-401-1 655
Other countries in Africa4 2665 66011 85110 4897 5864 830
Oceania1 1941 5512 7001 8971 506345
Australia6791 1551 5821 604904450
New Zealand400393343246-57-146
Other countries in Oceania11537754766044