External economy

External trade in goods2018


Mainland exports by county of production
NOK MillionChange in per cent
2016201720182017 - 2018
1County of production is defined as the county with the highest value added. Where the export consists of a mix of goods from different counties, and the county of production is difficult to determine, the goods are regarded as originating from several counties. Where the value of an imported intermediate good is more than doubled, the good is considered to be produced in Norway. Otherwise, it is considered to be an export of a good produced abroad.
2By county not stated means no information about county of production is available.
The whole country386 536418 543455 4108.8
County of production
Østfold16 33016 74816 8720.7
Akershus6 6265 3236 57023.4
Oslo8 5808 5657 416-13.4
Hedmark3 8163 9644 38610.6
Oppland6 2296 9417 5488.7
Buskerud12 83514 02312 071-13.9
Vestfold14 94220 70923 55613.7
Telemark18 55721 00623 0809.9
Aust-Agder3 4703 0253 38211.8
Vest-Agder27 77729 14832 39711.1
Rogaland32 43437 09342 53614.7
Hordaland56 45066 57678 87218.5
Sogn og Fjordane13 37714 27913 716-3.9
Møre og Romsdal38 73340 09840 5031.0
Sør-Trøndelag (-2017)16 94419 435..
Nord-Trøndelag (-2017)6 9815 958..
Trøndelag..27 737.
Nordland25 50727 38728 5474.2
Troms - Romsa7 7898 77410 22616.5
Finnmark - Finnmárku5 7186 3436 5393.1
Jan Mayen---.
Norwegian goods produced in several counties14 47115 91018 25314.7
Re-exports of goods produced abroad141 92440 61242 8565.5
County not stated26 5166 5718 24025.4