External economy

External trade in goodsMay 2018


Imports of goods from selected trade areas and countries, commodity groups by SITC. NOK million
So far this year
May 2018
Total importsFood and live animalsBeverages and tobaccoCrude materials, inedible, except fuelsMineral fuels, lubricants and related materialsAnimal and vegetable oils, fats and waxesChemicals and related products n.e.s.Manufactured goods classified chiefly by materialMachinery and transport equipmentMiscellaneous manufactured articlesCommodities and transactions
Total296 68418 5203 75919 94018 0942 59129 43750 740112 55740 579466
EU (incl. the Nordic countires)178 21811 8363 4057 59711 39497421 17629 37570 45021 564447
Nordic countries60 6314 2221 0233 8217 5537075 74611 81917 5037 820416
Developing countries51 3914 070795 2704136531 7246 24518 39614 53110
Russia7 35646762862 6026115442 74430660
India1 8983880210172244962265260
Japan5 8233526202441 1443 9444470
China26 95440901133658433 11413 4758 9536
Singapore1 421801200693602923540
South Korea12 77011024301659 3913 0541210
United States22 802373923002 8661213 11283612 8672 2286
Canada7 87115675 9008080130956061700
Brazil4 42293102 93800928136694
South Africa1 3032792170008128519250