External economy

External trade in goodsJuly 2019


Imports of goods from selected trade areas and countries, commodity groups by SITC. NOK million
So far this year
July 2019
Total importsFood and live animalsBeverages and tobaccoCrude materials, inedible, except fuelsMineral fuels, lubricants and related materialsAnimal and vegetable oils, fats and waxesChemicals and related products n.e.s.Manufactured goods classified chiefly by materialMachinery and transport equipmentMiscellaneous manufactured articlesCommodities and transactions
Total438 15827 8456 00327 30428 7583 99842 53063 682176 84960 477712
EU (incl. the Nordic countires)269 38117 2695 42210 32917 7991 24631 21342 591110 70332 126683
Nordic countries89 4216 1671 5505 32911 7307968 39015 41728 91610 479646
Developing countries79 3036 3291377 3912 3621 3202 3078 16030 27920 99623
Russia10 6871 203117213 9729711 0112 621701070
India3 162644052125157643977860
Japan8 10356610203071 7825 3176230
China41 46859114463381 0745 28621 26512 7579
Singapore1 56612079014701354793900
South Korea10 67327033562325 5914 6351430
United States35 3226541332134 4211234 4711 22920 1653 9122
Canada9 21315897 2641851243611 0312620
Brazil5 2771 60903 196280123127159286
South Africa1 6822802992601194037088