External economy

External trade in goodsOctober 2019


Imports of goods from selected trade areas and countries, commodity groups by SITC. NOK million
So far this year
October 2019
Total importsFood and live animalsBeverages and tobaccoCrude materials, inedible, except fuelsMineral fuels, lubricants and related materialsAnimal and vegetable oils, fats and waxesChemicals and related products n.e.s.Manufactured goods classified chiefly by materialMachinery and transport equipmentMiscellaneous manufactured articlesCommodities and transactions
Total632 12640 6408 84438 45241 0376 95061 83191 154251 79790 3271 094
EU (incl. the Nordic countires)386 80425 2357 99014 37425 3032 09445 46463 043154 93747 3031 059
Nordic countries127 9379 1852 3047 43916 3291 28212 54622 83839 59515 4141 005
Developing countries120 3499 61721010 6884 8412 3303 58311 83444 99132 22926
Russia14 6741 413149135 3431 6531 3903 6761201530
India4 563879169127761 1395411 1540
Japan11 61687817404492 5777 5998750
China63 154858150633121 6297 54932 61019 9459
Singapore2 367180107015191799845590
South Korea12 09139147773195 7015 7552160
United States51 1949822033015 3342886 3791 83030 1095 7653
Canada13 1242171410 3881876398841 4074230
Brazil9 9832 95505 2421 1450185173238378
South Africa2 435412391 2370227117571228