External economy

External trade in goodsNovember 2019


Exports of goods to selected trade areas and countries, commodity groups by SITC. NOK Million
So far this year
November 2019
Total exportsFood and live animalsBeverages and tobaccoCrude materials, inedible, except fuelsMineral fuels, lubricants and related materialsAnimal and vegetable oils, fats and waxesChemicals and related products n.e.s.Manufactured goods classified chiefly by materialMachinery and transport equipmentMiscellaneous manufactured articlesCommodities and transactions
Total819 329102 1931 01817 390449 7762 43055 95080 82485 18823 621938
EU (incl. the Nordic countries)648 75365 52269214 262408 9131 29631 83965 07847 97713 10471
Nordic countries117 39816 4643564 59551 9185318 28315 32514 5965 31712
Developing countries74 54515 176351 96918 20236116 2085 41114 5442 6380
Russia2 8474441148562435561 2751691
India3 2782204218720855771272650
Japan9 7544 31921481 353121 1821 2361 2642370
China28 9284 765218487 888239 1061 3584 0099100
Singapore5 381606241 55922624352 0154970
South Korea9 2942 805166832304021 3332 7131 1120
United States36 6066 58916346610 0464943 5214 2777 5473 5040
Canada7 4097146214 177142116301 3722630
Brazil4 54388439374971 1695338222830
South Africa1 58924807846211535284510