External economy;National accounts and business cycles;External economy
ur, International accounts, current account balance, direct investments, operational and capital accounts, financial accounts, investment abroad, foreign investment, transactions, stocks, financial assets, liabilities, portofolio investment, financial investments, revaluations, current account balance, balance of income and current transfers, reinvested earnings, net assets, BOP geographical breakdown, balance of goods, balance of services, BOP, IIP, balance of payments, international investment positionBalance of payments, National accounts , Foreign assets and liabilities , National accounts and business cycles, External economy

International accountsQ4 2020



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Balance of payments. NOK million
4th quarter 20191st quarter 20202nd quarter 20203rd quarter 20204th quarter 2020
Current account:
Current account balance14 66744 793-2 69514 1769 277
Balance of goods and services24 67013 965-23 253-18 3487 548
Balance of income and current transfers-10 00330 82820 55832 5241 729
Capital transfers, patents, licenses etc, net224288758102
Net lending (+)/ Net borrowing (-), current account transactions14 44344 505-3 45314 1669 275
Financial account:
Opening balance8 614 7168 746 8718 757 2909 239 0419 547 615
Net lending (+)/ Net borrowing (-), financial account transactions-162 21559 64117 86241 413-70 606
Other changes294 370-49 222463 889267 161285 450
Closing balance8 746 8718 757 2909 239 0419 547 6159 762 459
Net errors and omissions-176 65815 13621 31527 247-79 881