Statistikk innhold
Statistics about
Cash flows between Norway and abroad
The statistics show Norwegian cross border payments made via Norwegian banks. The source is the tax authority’s currency register. The population includes cross border bank transfers where the Norwegian party is a non-financial enterprise or a private person.
Selected figures from this statistics
- External settlements between Norway and abroad for non-financial enterprises and private individualsDownload table as ...External settlements between Norway and abroad for non-financial enterprises and private individuals
NOK million Change in per cent 4th quarter 2024 3rd quarter 2024 - 4th quarter 2024 4th quarter 2023 - 4th quarter 2024 Incoming value 1 305 713 14.8 -2.7 Outgoing value 1 309 825 25.2 1.3 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - External settlements for non-financial enterprises and private individuals, by regionDownload table as ...External settlements for non-financial enterprises and private individuals, by region
4th quarter 2024 Share Change in per cent NOK million Per cent 3rd quarter 2024 - 4th quarter 2024 4th quarter 2023 - 4th quarter 2024 Incoming value All countries 1 305 713 100.0 14.8 -2.7 Nordic countries except Norway 453 890 34.8 12.2 -11.9 EU countries excl. Nordic countries 480 076 36.8 24.3 15.6 Rest of Europe 172 489 13.2 18.3 -8.7 Africa 4 767 0.4 75.7 71.5 Asia 47 422 3.6 19.5 7.2 Northern, Central America and the Caribbean 137 179 10.5 -9.7 -17.5 South America, total 5 062 0.4 67.5 9.0 Oceania 4 828 0.4 21.1 25.9 Outgoing value All countries 1 309 825 100.0 25.2 1.3 Nordic countries except Norway 488 206 37.3 39.3 10.2 EU countries excl. Nordic countries 393 952 30.1 22.7 -12.3 Rest of Europe 245 347 18.7 16.1 3.7 Africa 4 399 0.3 13.7 -32.2 Asia 46 966 3.6 0.8 3.4 Northern, Central America and the Caribbean 123 036 9.4 16.8 20.1 South America, total 2 614 0.2 -30.1 -54.9 Oceania 5 305 0.4 52.7 25.2 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - External settlements between Norway and abroad for non-financial enterprises, by industryDownload table as ...External settlements between Norway and abroad for non-financial enterprises, by industry
4th quarter 2024 Incoming value Outgoing value NOK million Per cent NOK million Per cent Total 1 288 668 100.0 1 288 191 100.0 Agriculture, forestry and fishing 25 805 2.0 20 763 1.6 Mining and quarrying 359 069 27.9 183 600 14.3 Manufacturing 231 298 17.9 236 882 18.4 Electricity, gas and steam 185 644 14.4 190 435 14.8 Water supply, sewerage, waste 8 688 0.7 12 592 1.0 Construction 10 067 0.8 13 675 1.1 Wholesale and retail trade: repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 175 414 13.6 239 611 18.6 Transportation and storage 98 969 7.7 105 339 8.2 Accommodation and food service activities 4 947 0.4 6 000 0.5 Information and communication 75 655 5.9 134 751 10.5 Real estate activities 15 468 1.2 6 870 0.5 Professional, scientific and technical activities 44 459 3.4 50 553 3.9 Administrative and support service activities 24 491 1.9 32 934 2.6 Public administration and defence 12 746 1.0 33 645 2.6 Education 1 570 0.1 1 244 0.1 Human health and social work activities 6 684 0.5 7 399 0.6 Arts, entertainment and recreation 1 987 0.2 1 853 0.1 Other service activities 1 850 0.1 1 938 0.2 Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies 381 0.0 49 0.0 Unknown industry 3 476 0.3 8 058 0.6 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Difference between incoming versus outgoing settlements in the last 5 quarters. Per centDownload table as ...Difference between incoming versus outgoing settlements in the last 5 quarters. Per cent
4th quarter 2023 1st quarter 2024 2nd quarter 2024 3rd quarter 2024 4th quarter 2024 All countries 3.7 9.0 14.6 8.8 -0.3 Nordic countries except Norway 16.3 7.3 17.2 15.4 -7.0 EU countries excl. Nordic countries -7.6 20.4 25.8 20.3 21.9 Rest of Europe -20.1 -28.8 -25.3 -31.0 -29.7 Africa -57.2 -44.5 -26.6 -29.9 8.4 Asia -2.6 -3.1 -6.4 -14.9 1.0 Northern, Central America and the Caribbean 62.4 71.2 53.4 44.2 11.5 South America, total -19.9 12.0 44.3 -19.2 93.6 Oceania -9.5 3.5 9.2 14.8 -9.0 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ...
About the statistics
The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 4 May 2023.
External settlement/cross border settlement
Transfer of money between Norway and abroad.
Financial enterprise
A financial enterprise is an enterprise in one of these three industries in Classification of Standard Industrial Classification
- Industrial code 64: Financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding
- Industrial code 65: Insurance, reinsurance and pension funding, except compulsory social activities
- Industrial code 66: Activities auxiliary to financial services and insurance activities.
Non financial company
Enterprise with a two digit industrial code other than 64, 65 or 66. See Financial enterprise.
Norwegian/domestic resident
- Legal persons registered as Norwegian, including foreign owned companies registered as Norwegian.
- Foreign company's affiliates in Norway.
- Physical persons permanently residing in Norway, regardless of citizenship.
- Legal persons registered abroad, including Norwegian owned companies that are registered abroad.
- Norwegian companies' affiliates abroad.
- Physical persons permanently residing abroad, regardless of citizenship.
From Q1 2008 to Q4 2010, the statistics was classified according to the Standard Industrial Classification 2002 (SIC2002), which is a Norwegian adaptation of NACE Rev.1 (EUROSTAT). As from Q1 2011, the standard has been replaced by the Standard Industrial Classification 2007 (SIC2007), which is a Norwegian adaptation of NACE Rev. 2 (EUROSTAT). SIC2007 forms the basis for coding units according to principal activity in the Central Register of Establishments and Enterprises. The use of common standards is essential in enabling the comparison and analysis of statistical data at national/international level and over time.