Statistikk innhold

Statistics about

Sami election

The statistics show persons entitled to vote, turnout and results by parties for the Sameting election. Time series from 2005.

Updated: 27 October 2021
Next update: Not yet determined

Selected figures from this statistics

  • Sameting election. Valid votes, rejected votes and blank votes, by election district
    Sameting election. Valid votes, rejected votes and blank votes, by election district
    Valid votesRejected votesBlank votes
    Total13 83446250
    Østre valkrins1 895335
    Ávjovári valkrins2 851337
    Nordre valkrins2 134940
    Gáisi valkrins1 993438
    Vesthavet valkrins1 412419
    Sørsamisk valkrins9771021
    Sør-Noreg valkrins2 5721360
    Explanation of symbols
  • Sameting election. Valid votes, rejected votes and blank votes, by election district
    Sameting election. Valid votes, rejected votes and blank votes, by election district
    Valid votesValid votes at pollid stationValid votes in advanceRejected votesRejected votes at polling stationRejected votes in advanceBlank votesBlank votes at polling stationBlank votes in advance
    The whole country13 8344 6739 16146838250101149
    Østre valkrins1 8957781 117321351520
    Ávjovári valkrins2 8511 1891 662330371819
    Nordre valkrins2 1346481 486927401426
    Gáisi valkrins1 9939441 049404382315
    Vesthavet valkrins1 41247993340419109
    Sørsamisk valkrins9771967811001021615
    Sør-Noreg valkrins2 5724392 13313112601545
    Explanation of symbols
  • Sameting election. Valid votes, by party/electoral list and election district
    Sameting election. Valid votes, by party/electoral list and election district
    Valid votes
    The whole countryØstre valkrinsÁvjovári valkrinsNordre valkrinsGáisi valkrinsVesthavet valkrinsSørsamisk valkrinsSør-Noreg valkrins
    The whole country13 8341 8952 8512 1341 9931 4129772 572
    Labour Party2 081428282315270192202392
    Progress Party66070512081294930123
    Conservative Party5967688866112248115
    Centre Party1 32623733115719016179171
    Socialist Left Party00000000
    Nordkalottfolket2 52926449877834117693379
    Norske Samers Riksforbund4 414491712441749588525908
    Sámeálbmot Bellodat772791897468670295
    Samenes Folkeforbund (tidl Samenes Valgforbund)2006700765700
    Fastboende Liste / Guovdageainnu Dálon searvi00000000
    Fastboendes Liste på Sametinget00000000
    Johttisápmelaccaid listu00000000
    Norske Samers Riksforbund og Samefolkets Partis fellesliste00000000
    Samedemokratene og Siella00000000
    Åarjel-Saemiej Gielh00000000
    Ávjovári Daloniid Listu189018900000
    Ávjovári Johttisápmelaccaid Listu329032900000
    Explanation of symbols
  • Sameting election. Persons entitled to vote, votes cast, and election turnout, by election district
    Sameting election. Persons entitled to vote, votes cast, and election turnout, by election district
    Persons entitled to voteVotes cast totalVotes casts at polling stationVotes casts in advancePercentage voter turnout
    The whole country20 54113 8744 6779 19768.6
    Østre valkrins2 5561 9287981 13075.5
    Ávjovári valkrins3 7682 9131 2301 68377.3
    Nordre valkrins3 1142 0055231 48269.8
    Gáisi valkrins3 1362 0019301 07164.8
    Vesthavet valkrins2 1711 40555485165.9
    Sørsamisk valkrins1 5201 01120580666.5
    Sør-Noreg valkrins4 2762 6114372 17461.6
    Explanation of symbols
  • Sameting election. Number of representatives and valid votes per representative, by election district
    Sameting election. Number of representatives and valid votes per representative, by election district
    RepresentativesValid votes per representative
    Østre valkrins5379
    Ávjovári valkrins7407
    Nordre valkrins6356
    Gáisi valkrins6332
    Vesthavet valkrins5282
    Sørsamisk valkrins4244
    Sør-Noreg valkrins6429
    Explanation of symbols
  • Sameting election.Number of elected representatives, by election district, party/electoral list and sex
    Sameting election.Number of elected representatives, by election district, party/electoral list and sex
    Østre valkrinsÁvjovári valkrinsNordre valkrinsGáisi valkrinsVesthavet valkrinsSørsamisk valkrinsSør-Noreg valkrins
    Labour Party10011010101010
    Progress Party00001000000000
    Norske Samers Riksforbund20110121211221
    Sámeálbmot Bellodat00000000000001
    Centre Party01100010000000
    Ávjovári Johttisápmelaccaid Listu00010000000000
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 18 October 2021.

To be able to vote at the Sámi Parliament election, one must register oneself in the Sámi Parliament electoral register. All Norwegian Sami persons 18 years or older in the election year, are entitled to register themselves in the Sámi Parliament electoral register. One can demand the registration if one declares that one perceives oneself as a Sami person, and if one either a) has the Sami language as the languages spoken at home, or b) one of parents, grandparents or great-grandparents have had the Sami language as the language spoken at home, or c) is the child of a person registered in the Sámi Parliament electoral register. Sami persons who are citizens of other Nordic countries, can register themselves in the Sámi Parliament electoral register if they on 30th of june in the election year are registered as residents of Norway. Sami persons not coming from a Nordic country, can register themselves in the Sámi Parliament electoral register if they have been registered as residents of Norway in the three last years before election day. The Sámi Parliament electoral register is linked to the National Registration Office. The registered address on 30th of june in the election year is the one registered in the Sámi Parliament electoral register, and used at the Sámi Parliament elections. At the Sámi Parliament elections, the country is divided into seven constituencies. In total, 39 representatives are elected from the seven constituencies. This is four less than four years ago.

The constituencies at the Sameting elections are grouped in the following way:


  1. Østre
  2. Àvjovàri
  3. Nordre
  4. Gàisi
  5. Vesthavet
  6. Sørsamisk
  7. Sør-Noreg


  1. Varanger
  2. Tana
  3. Karasjok
  4. Kautokeino
  5. Porsanger
  6. Alta/Kvalsund
  7. Northern Troms
  8. Middle Troms
  9. Southern Troms
  10. Northern Nordland
  11. Middle Nordland
  12. Southern Sami area
  13. Southern Norway


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