Elections;Culture and recreation

Political parties' financing2019


Central government subsidy by poltical party. NOK12
TotalOf which youth's poltical organisations
1The table incudes all units of political parties which have sent either a full report or a statement according the annual income received. For those units which have reported an income less than NOK 12 000 except government subsidies, the amounts used in the table are according to information received from the County Governor of Sogn og Fjordane or from the Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation. The County Governor disburses the governmental funding on municipal and county level, the Ministry to the central organisations. For those units which have reported that mentioned income exceeded the amount of NOK 12 000, the amount reported from the unit itself has been used.
2The Parties where less than 3 party units has reported their accounts, or that the party units have only reported a statement, are excluded in the table because data which should be made public are not available.
Total455 393 88529 436 508
Christian Democratic Party23 594 8061 578 174
Liberal Party23 856 3571 358 283
Socialist Left Party27 578 6011 348 599
Labour Party123 670 5959 686 228
Progress Party62 524 8723 529 695
Conservative Party108 026 3887 247 821
Centre Party45 515 7062 617 569
The Red party of Norway13 585 222675 252
Democratic Party of Norway552 857.
Coastal Party411 9949 790
The Pensioners' Party2 211 598.
Norwegian green Party20 037 2701 319 237
Communist Party of Norway50 729-
The Pirate Party of Norway491 7179 518
The Christians1 313 50824 676
The Health Party1 060 57629 319
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