Statistikk innhold

Statistics about

Storting election, candidates

The statistics cover all parties’ candidates in the Parliamentary election and are disaggregated by age, sex and education. Time series from 2005.

Updated: 24 June 2021
Next update: Not yet determined

Selected figures from this statistics

  • Candidates at storting election. Proportion of women by party/electoral list
    Candidates at storting election. Proportion of women by party/electoral list
    Per cent
    Labour Party505050
    Progress Party343535
    Conservative Party476148
    Christian Democratic Party474650
    Centre Party495148
    Socialist Left Party525453
    Liberal Party455152
    Green Party1 455253
    Red Party515256
    Other lists302831
    1The Green was located in 'Other Lists' earlier than General election in 2017
    Explanation of symbols
  • Storting election. Candidates, by political party and sex
    Storting election. Candidates, by political party and sex
    Total5 1743 1162 058
    Labour Party283141142
    Progress Party27317796
    Conservative Party283148135
    Christian Democratic Party276139137
    Centre Party283147136
    Socialist Left Party282132150
    Liberal Party279135144
    Red Party282125157
    Democratic Party of Norway26219765
    Feministisk Initiativ20416
    The Health Party245100145
    Capitalist Party of Norway27421262
    Coastal Party453213
    Green Party277131146
    Communist Party of Norway674423
    The Pensioners' Party25116982
    The Christians271162109
    Alliansen - Alternative for Norway2702637
    Folkeaksjonen Nei til mer bompenger20514164
    Industrial-, commerce & business Party23018347
    Partiet Sentrum272156116
    Redd Naturen743
    Explanation of symbols
  • Storting election. Candidates, by party/electoral list and sex and if they were candidates in previous election
    Storting election. Candidates, by party/electoral list and sex and if they were candidates in previous election
    Candidates that also were candidates in previous electionCandidates that not were candidates in previous election
    Total9365572 1911 490
    Labour Party47449498
    Progress Party723610560
    Conservative Party445710478
    Christian Democratic Party50558982
    Centre Party61678669
    Socialist Left Party354997101
    Liberal Party48488895
    Green Party36509596
    Communist Party of Norway2382515
    The Pensioners' Party341413568
    Red Party (RV)393986118
    Other lists447901 187610
    Explanation of symbols
  • Storting election. Candidates, by party/electoral list, sex and age. Per cent
    Storting election. Candidates, by party/electoral list, sex and age. Per cent
    Absolute figuresPer cent
    Total, both sexes18-29 years30-39 years40-49 years50-59 years60 years or older
    Total5 1747.
    Labour Party2838.18.811.38.811.314.113.414.15.74.2
    Progress Party27311.08.422.75.99.511.010.67.311.02.6
    Conservative Party28310.
    Christian Democratic Party2766.
    Centre Party2837.412.
    Socialist Left Party2829.911.37.110.311.314.27.810.310.67.1
    Liberal Party2797.911.
    Green Party2776.914.412.313.
    Red Party2827.19.610.618.810.313.54.37.812.16.0
    Other lists2 6566.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Storting election. Candidates, by party/electoral list, education and sex. Per cent
    Storting election. Candidates, by party/electoral list, education and sex. Per cent
    Absolute figuresPer cent
    TotalPrimary and lower secondary education (level 1-2)Upper secondary education (level 3-5)Tertial education, 4 years or less (level 6)Tertial education, more than 4 years (level 7-8)
    Both sexesMalesFemaleMalesFemalesMalesFemalesMalesFemalesMalesFemales
    Total5 1743 1162 05813.011.140.828.629.140.616.819.7
    Labour Party2831411426.44.936.223.238.347.919.123.9
    Progress Party2731779617.59.450.845.821.534.410.210.4
    Conservative Party2831481356.10.727.017.841.256.325.725.2
    Christian Democratic Party2761391375.83.627.319.033.856.933.120.4
    Centre Party2831471362.03.743.527.
    Socialist Left Party2821321505.37.326.525.337.942.029.525.3
    Liberal Party2791351446.65.616.918.935.345.540.430.1
    Green Party2771311464.65.516.814.435.135.643.544.5
    Red Party28212515714.412.733.628.036.838.215.221.0
    Other lists2 6561 84181516.418.947.236.025.434.410.710.7
    Explanation of symbols
  • Storting Election. Candidates, by gross income, sex and party/electoral list. Per cent
    Storting Election. Candidates, by gross income, sex and party/electoral list. Per cent
    Absolute figuresPer cent
    TotalLess than 100 000 NOKLess than 100 000 NOK100 000 - 199 999 NOK100 000 - 199 999 NOK200 000 - 299 999 NOK200 000 - 299 999 NOK300 000 - 399 999 NOK300 000 - 399 999 NOK400 000 - 499 999 NOK400 000 - 499 999 NOK500 000 - 599 999 NOK500 000 - 599 999 NOK600 000 - 699 999 NOK600 000 - 699 999 NOK700 000 - 799 999 NOK700 000 - 799 999 NOK800 000 - 899 999 NOK800 000 - 899 999 NOK900 000 - 999 999 NOK900 000 - 999 999 NOK1 000 000 NOK or more1 000 000 NOK or more
    Both sexesMalesFemalesMalesFemalesMalesFemalesMalesFemalesMalesFemalesMalesFemalesMalesFemalesMalesFemalesMalesFemalesMalesFemalesMalesFemales
    Total5 1748.
    Labour Party2834.
    Progress Party2737.
    Conservative Party2838.
    Christian Democratic Party2765.812.
    Centre Party2837.511.
    Socialist Left Party2828.310.
    Liberal Party2798.811.
    Green Party2779.913.
    Red Party2826.
    Other lists2 6568.
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 22 June 2021.

Eligibility. Duty to accept election

Eligible to the Storting and bound to accept election is any person who is entitled to vote at the election and who is not disqualified or exempt. Disqualified from election to the Storting are members of staff in the ministries with the exception of ministers, state secretaries and political advisers, justices of the Supreme Court and members of the diplomatic corps or of the consular service. Whether a person shall be disqualified from election to the Storting depends on whether the person in question holds such office on Election Day.

Further reading

Standard for valgdistrikt (electoral districts or constituency).

The electoral districts of 2021 corresponds to county 2017 with municipalities as of 1. January 2021. Electoral districts are named with county names followed by «district». Electoral districts numbers correspond to county numbers in the period 1972-2017.


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