Establishments, enterprises and accounts;Banking and financial markets
The Shares and capital returns statistics show which sectors receive dividends and own shares. Personal shareholders doubled their dividend incomes in 2015.

Shares and dividend payments2015, preliminary figures


Individuals who owned shares, nominal share capital, received dividends and received previously paid-up share capital and share premium, by sex and age
Number of individuals who owned shares 31 DecemberNominal share capital. NOK millionReceived dividends. NOK millionReceived share capital. NOK million2Received share premium. NOK million2Number of individuals who owned shares 31 DecemberNominal share capital. NOK millionReceived dividends. NOK millionReceived share capital. NOK million2Received share premium. NOK million2
1Preliminary figures.
2Does not include capital paid back in connection with liquidation or partial liquidation of limited companies.
Both sexes
Total632 93976 68940 0621 3695 021637 64273 72278 9162 2157 365
0-19 years10 731835145..5510 035677249..166
20-29 years39 8332 8609308411740 9602 7021 686107355
30-39 years89 0168 8304 01517732990 0347 9166 551161666
40-49 years137 58618 05010 535301653136 14116 93218 856349926
50-59 years136 75320 38512 3454141 006137 99719 83725 3243412 156
60-69 years123 13517 3798 4683021 280122 15116 94219 0589271 773
70-79 years65 6026 5712 987641 35769 6516 6456 308303982
80 years or older30 2831 778637..22430 6732 070885..341
Total433 20158 73632 6751 0613 852437 99256 17864 8051 7915 596
0-19 years6 21136988..285 9043331487117
20-29 years28 1161 845569576229 2201 7741 04555275
30-39 years63 3685 9752 97711415764 4445 2534 704109405
40-49 years97 03613 2818 49225945396 12812 32514 842238699
50-59 years95 01716 53210 48130675695 90016 02821 7362281 795
60-69 years84 40814 5127 1462551 04084 14114 07716 3338471 303
70-79 years42 5815 0072 476481 21245 4405 2885 430296754
80 years or older16 4641 214446..14316 8151 09956711248
Total199 73817 9547 3873081 170199 65017 54414 1114251 769
0-19 years4 520466571274 131344101..49
20-29 years11 7171 015361275511 7409286415280
30-39 years25 6482 8551 0386317225 5902 6631 84752261
40-49 years40 5504 7692 0434220040 0134 6074 014111227
50-59 years41 7363 8531 86410825042 0973 8093 588113362
60-69 years38 7272 8671 3234724038 0102 8652 72580470
70-79 years23 0211 5645111614524 2111 3578797227
80 years or older13 81956519148113 858971317..93