Establishments, enterprises and accounts



Number of enterprises as of 1st January, newly established enterprises and enterprise drop outs, by economic activity
Economic activity2011201120112012201220122013
Enterprises as of 1st JanuaryNewly established enterprisesEnterprise drop outsEnterprises as of 1st JanuaryNewly established enterprisesEnterprise drop outsEnterprises as of 1st January
Total362 97746 88552 110374 08351 14849 109374 273
Mining and quarrying1 13480931 14085881 126
Manufacture16 3001 2531 95518 2411 4211 90417 600
Electricity, gas and steam1 09679881 12598531 160
Water supply, sewerage, waste1 17474951 10982621 101
Construction51 6966 5076 62952 7007 8358 55351 766
Domestic trade, car repair shop54 0696 3476 85253 4405 9927 68351 312
Transportation and storage22 3222 3262 47222 3482 0333 30221 014
Accomommodation and food service activities10 7771 1821 31510 8591 3061 78510 286
Information and communication16 5543 1153 99416 1133 3532 94416 439
Financial and insurance activities10 8799421 36710 4261 1388499 670
Real estate activities45 8483 7974 11047 3414 4282 70348 882
Professional, scientific and technical activities43 6306 9508 11944 0627 5746 65144 807
Administrative and support service activities18 9913 2063 56518 4493 6184 02117 896
Education7 1732 3272 0959 2692 7471 31510 723
Human health and social work activities25 6663 4053 11130 4553 6372 26731 853
Arts, entertainment and recreation15 3233 9013 81520 8824 0451 71823 159
Personal service activities16 7921 9862 24713 3822 0712 51512 894
Households as employers activities427153611842
Extraterritorial organisations and bodies33030000
Unspecified1 2014591702 7066166882 542