Establishments, enterprises and accounts



Number of employees in enterprises as of 1st January, newly established enterprises and enterprise closures, by economic activity.
Economic activity2011201120112012201220122013
Enterprises as of 1st JanuaryNew established enterprisesClosing downEnterprises as of 1st JanuaryNew established enterprisesClosing downEnterprises as of 1st January
Total1 611 14414 44826 1061 581 90318 74921 6271 631 297
Mining and quarrying54 4092920455 2856312063 792
Manufacture223 9815962 258222 6867282 955221 921
Electricity, gas and steam14 4582314414 81822314 910
Water supply, sewerage, waste8 28244897 68931537 483
Construction173 1553 7014 124181 2435 4653 855188 310
Domestic trade, car repair shop355 4422 2824 679351 2242 7974 096354 208
Transportation and storage137 8216881 957124 9157961 271137 077
Accomommodation and food service activities79 6511 6932 44179 0132 2421 56182 578
Information and communication81 6606861 43684 1166621 31584 612
Financial and insurance activities47 7267735648 33010322946 850
Real estate activities23 06626862923 08938945823 655
Professional, scientific and technical activities104 0901 5742 251105 6431 9691 648111 838
Administrative and support service activities116 3211 5532 957120 0351 9462 171125 497
Education18 74012739816 39219215517 379
Human health and social work activities103 7385631 06396 7007091 00599 198
Arts, entertainment and recreation26 86826659322 45621125723 371
Personal service activities40 93624451627 63136041627 814
Households as employers activities1753176139
Extraterritorial organisations and bodies275010000