Establishments, enterprises and accounts
Forty-five per cent of all enterprises as of 1 January 2015 had both male and female employees. Seventeen per cent of enterprises had only female employees and 38 per cent had only male employees.

Enterprises1 January 2015


Enterprises, by the employees' board experience, as well as the industrial activity, size group and legal form of the enterprises1
Total0 per cent board experience1-49 per cent board experience50 per cent board experience51-99 per cent board experience100 per cent board experience
1Board experience describes the employees' present or past roles as chairmen of the board, board members or deputy chairmen in one or more enterprises.
Industrial activity
Total134 97216.635.310.99.927.2
Mining and quarrying5679.552.
Manufacturing8 53910.650.89.810.318.4
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply4534.636.49.324.525.2
Water supply45111.
Construction21 65115.538.011.88.526.2
Wholesale and retail trade29 56014.445.011.810.418.4
Transportation and storage9 90334.330.211.37.416.9
Accommodation and food service activities7 28226.954.
Information and communication5 8756.824.411.017.240.7
Financial and insurance activities1 2434.727.98.522.236.7
Real estate activities7 99518.89.710.59.151.9
Professional, scientific and technical activities17 0157.715.812.014.650.0
Administrative and support service activities6 50519.
Education2 09612.930.711.412.133.0
Human health and social work activities9 06822.642.39.45.720.0
Arts, entertainment and recreation2 27518.
Other service activities4 42826.631.610.88.422.6
Activities of household as employers333.366.
Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies1100.
Unknown industry6225.
Size groups
Total134 97216.635.310.99.927.2
1-4 employees81 80624.19.714.77.044.5
5-9 employees25 0638.362.07.620.81.4
10-19 employees15 2643.481.
20-49 employees8 6501.
50-99 employees2 2510.
100-249 employees1 2500.
250 employees and more6880.
Legal form
Total134 97216.635.310.99.927.2
Private limited company (AS)110 1198.038.911.711.230.2
General partnership71052.823.99.02.511.7
Sole proprietorship16 21671.
Norwegian division of foreign business enterprise2 31322.718.611.54.243.1
General partnership with shared liability1 17651.927.
Other organisational structures4 09013.642.28.715.719.8