Establishments, enterprises and accounts



Total number of enterprises, persons employed and turnover, by economic activity.
EnterprisesTurnover (NOK billion)Persons employed
Total426 2205 0631 840 818
Agriculture, forestry and fishing72 90311079 249
Mining and quarrying1 0631 31163 083
Manufacturing17 453689228 368
Electricity, gas, steam og air conditioning supply1 05311415 144
Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remedioation activities1 072228 089
Construction50 562358199 696
Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles51 0621 346365 350
Transportation and storage21 609324152 313
Accomodation and food service activities10 6076187 191
Information and communication14 44220387 888
Financial and insurance activities13 647047 673
Real estate activities44 59112227 200
Profesional, scientific and technical activities41 043199121 540
Admiminstrative and support service activities17 146152122 115
Public administration and defence, compulsory social security000
Education5 783023 168
Human health and social work activities26 6700125 659
Arts, entertainment and recreation20 4843538 363
Other service activities13 8701547 613
Activities of household as employers, undifferentiated goods- og services-producing activities of households for own account29037
Activities of household as employers, undifferentiated goods- og services-producing activities of households for own account330295
Unknown1 0980784