Establishments, enterprises and accounts



Enterprises, by economic activity and size groups. NACE Rev. 2
Employed, total0 persons employed1-4 persons employed5-9 persons employed10-19 persons employed20-49 persons employed50-99 persons employed100-249 persons employed250 persons employed and more
Total426 220129 059242 07227 85215 0518 1642 1311 220671
Agriculture, forestry and fishing72 90316 53355 200840234751092
Mining and quarrying1 063263455907574352942
Manufacturing17 4534 0868 3031 8851 3811 055394234115
Electricity, gas, steam og air conditioning supply1 053456306537788412111
Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remedioation activities1 07233546910369661893
Construction50 56211 46230 9564 1792 4151 1862348941
Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles51 06210 15726 4987 8264 1151 728374226138
Transportation and storage21 6093 45614 8041 8787574311218775
Accomodation and food service activities10 6071 3995 2751 9051 2475841235123
Information and communication14 4425 4026 9838775373871378237
Financial and insurance activities13 64712 234832187144131484031
Real estate activities44 59133 53510 145634196551853
Profesional, scientific and technical activities41 04313 23723 8462 1971 0494911246633
Admiminstrative and support service activities17 1466 0278 5991 08864444117411459
Public administration and defence, compulsory social security000000000
Education5 78354 96435020319846161
Human health and social work activities26 6701322 4311 9971 1787841389336
Arts, entertainment and recreation20 4847 07112 32149831320941247
Other service activities13 8702 8379 1081 241412179542514
Activities of household as employers, undifferentiated goods- og services-producing activities of households for own account29028100000
Activities of household as employers, undifferentiated goods- og services-producing activities of households for own account330161042100
Unknown1 0985515331310000