Statistikk innhold
Statistics about
Industry statistics for Svalbard
The statistics provide insight into the development and structure of the various industries in Svalbard. The figures include man-years, employment, turnover, costs and investment, based on reported data from all active businesses located in Svalbard.
Selected figures from this statistics
- Svalbard. Industry statistics, by main industry (SIC2007)Download table as ...Svalbard. Industry statistics, by main industry (SIC2007)
Man-years Turnover (NOK 1 000) 2023 Percentage change from last year 2023 Percentage change from last year Svalbard total 1 690.6 7.1 5 244 928 11.4 Mining and quarrying 76.0 -2.6 118 798 -20.7 Manufacturing; Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply; Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 59.5 85.9 200 752 90.9 Construction 209.0 -2.2 665 236 -13.5 Wholesale and retail trade 124.7 6.8 497 082 13.8 Transportation and storage 118.1 17.6 1 026 367 2.0 Accommodation and food service activities 295.4 11.3 510 474 -2.4 Information, communication, financial and insurance activities 83.7 17.1 1 038 592 31.0 Real estate activities 2.9 -17.1 148 095 22.1 Professional, scientific and technical activities 75.6 -0.7 95 218 31.6 Administrative and support service activities 182.6 25.2 602 971 48.1 Public administration and defence 99.4 -12.3 46 486 -17.2 Education : : : : Human health and social work activities 61.7 -3.3 11 949 -30.1 Arts, entertainment and recreation 109.5 20.9 180 182 25.3 Other service activities 9.1 -29.5 13 681 41.2 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ... - Local KAUs on Svalbard. Main figures by code system and structure.Download table as ...Local KAUs on Svalbard. Main figures by code system and structure.
Establishments Man-years Turnover (NOK 1 000) Public Subsidies (NOK 1 000) Wage costs (NOK 1 000) Investments (NOK 1 000) 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 Svalbard total 376 378 1 578.8 1 690.6 4 709 406 5 244 928 866 639 940 093 1 225 117 1 347 466 575 186 860 110 B Mining and quarrying 1 1 78.0 76.0 149 888 118 798 0 - 88 535 84 503 2 814 3 090 C+D+E Manufacturing; Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply; Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 18 21 32.0 59.5 105 188 200 752 4 160 53 637 28 840 53 175 23 226 77 916 F Construction 26 22 213.8 209.0 769 091 665 236 239 - 185 998 162 062 14 779 20 016 G Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 26 32 116.8 124.7 436 745 497 082 0 - 71 046 75 563 12 761 36 526 H Transportation and storage 23 23 100.4 118.1 1 006 091 1 026 367 459 - 105 475 138 531 28 159 50 230 I Accommodation and food service activities 26 24 265.3 295.4 523 250 510 474 46 574 67 893 147 717 165 068 24 670 15 221 J+K Information and communication. Financial and insurance activities 18 17 71.5 83.7 793 012 1 038 592 1 952 8 059 64 417 80 280 177 006 247 341 L Real estate activities 39 37 3.5 2.9 121 311 148 095 248 203 907 2 402 151 152 111 958 M Professional, scientific and technical activities 63 65 76.1 75.6 72 373 95 218 76 108 74 918 61 834 65 451 14 371 83 852 N Administrative and support service activities 59 58 145.9 182.6 407 023 602 971 52 417 57 773 101 471 128 485 56 008 148 610 O Public administration and defence; compulsory social security 8 9 113.4 99.4 56 145 46 486 395 285 375 166 100 724 103 489 24 643 17 406 P Education 15 14 : : : : : : : : : : Q Human health and social work activities 10 11 63.8 61.7 17 095 11 949 23 943 26 598 54 234 56 561 1 693 1 209 R Arts, entertainment and recreation 33 37 90.6 109.5 143 790 180 182 31 176 30 816 56 633 64 357 29 061 36 712 S Other service activities 11 7 12.9 9.1 9 686 13 681 5 725 5 822 6 451 7 592 215 0 Missing 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Explanation of symbolsDownload table as ...
About the statistics
The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 5 July 2023.
The Standard Industrial Classification (SN07) defines an establishment as a locally defined functional unit whose main activities fall within a specific industrial classification. The activity carried out by a legal entity (enterprise) is known as an establishment. A legal entity can engage in one or more establishments/businesses.
Number of man-hours worked
This is defined as the total number of hours worked by employees in a workplace, both within and outside normal working hours. Short breaks are included, but time spent in transit between home and the workplace is not included. Number of man-hours in a year is 1687 hours
Hours worked by seasonal workers counts as long as worker is employed directly by establisment, it means not by employment tempt agency.
Employment is defined as the total number of owners and employees. One person is only counted in his/her main job, the same person here can have more than one job.
Turnover is defined as an enterprise's operating revenues minus government subsidies and gains on the sale of fixed assets. Special public duties related to the sale, and taxes and duties are included in the turnover, but VAT is not included.
Salary costs
Wages, holiday pay, fees, employer's national insurance contributions, pension costs subject to reporting and other personnel costs for work carried out on Svalbard. Salary costs do not include remuneration to owners of sole proprietorships or partnerships.
Public subsidies
Applies to allocations received for operations and investment from the government, the local government on Longyearbyen, and other public bodies (e.g. Innovation Norway). It is rapported separetly in its own field. It is not included in turnover.
Is defined as goods purchased during the year and and sold without further processing (with the exception of labeling and packaging).
Total purchase of goods and services
The total purchase of goods and services includes the value of all goods and services that are purchased during the course of the year for resale, for use in the enterprise’s own production process or for storage. The procurement of tangible fixed assets is not included in these figures.
Investments in assets with a lifetime of more than a year, including investments in new and used capital goods, and extensions, alterations, improvements and repairs that prolong the lifetime of the capital goods or increase their production capacity. Costs for design, transportation, installation and any special duties are also included.
Deductible VAT, financial expenses, tax benefits achieved (e.g. investments in more environmentally-friendly equipment) and fixed assets acquired through restructuring (e.g. mergers, takeovers, demergers, divisions) are not included.
Purchased goods are valued at cost price and self-produced goods are valued at production cost.
Public sector
The public sector can be divided into an public administration part and an public enterprise part. The public administration consists of the authorities and other companies that take care of a wide range of society's common tasks. Hospitals and schools are examples of institutions that are part of the public administration. The public enterprise part consists of market-based enterprises that are owned or otherwise controlled by the public sector. The public enterprises are companies such as water supply, sewerage, waste management og large companies where state owns more then half of the shares.
The industrial classification is in accordance with the Norwegian Standard Industrial Classification (SN2007) , used in Statistics Norway, which is based on the EU Standard NACE Rev. 2 and the United Nation’s International Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities (ISIC), Rev. 4.