Statistikk innhold

Statistics about

Business statistics

The business statistics provide information on the activity in the Norwegian business sector. The statistics are published at enterprise and establishment level for the industry classification sections B-J, L-N and P-S.

Updated: 24 October 2024
Next update: 23 April 2025

Selected figures from this statistics

  • Structural Business Statistics, selected sections. Enterprises. Preliminary figures. Per cent change
    Structural Business Statistics, selected sections. Enterprises. Preliminary figures. Per cent change
    2022 -20232021 -2023
    Employed personsTurnoverEmployed personsTurnover
    Water supply, sewerage, waste2.
    Wholesale and retail trade: repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles0.
    Transportation and storage1
    Accommodation and food service activities1.88.026.351.7
    Information and communication3.
    Real estate activities-0.23.2-1.810.4
    Professional, scientific and technical activities2 4.310.720.742.9
    Administrative and support service activities-
    Other service activities0.56.12.817.2
    1Divison 06 has been excluded from the figures from 2018 until 2020. From 2021 and onwards, division 35 and group 49.5 have also been included in the figures, in addition to sections P, Q and R.
    2From year 2022 NACE group 70.1 Activities of head offices is included in NACE section M Professional, scientific and technical activities.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Principal figures by main section. Enterprises
    Principal figures by main section. Enterprises1
    EnterpriseEmployed personsTurnover (NOK million)Production value (NOK million)Value added (NOK million)Personell costs (NOK million)Gross investments (NOK million)
    Mining and quarrying1 12066 8142 469 611.32 468 679.32 285 795.287 640.695 205.1
    Manufacturing18 080221 6151 029 869.5976 751.1266 575.0162 964.238 035.0
    Water supply, sewerage, waste1 36810 27045 879.745 538.812 076.17 157.03 673.7
    Construction59 787273 095753 823.0750 009.5230 678.0174 316.629 068.5
    Wholesale and retail trade: repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles49 243386 2712 320 397.2549 390.1295 928.6201 390.423 909.5
    Transportation and storage21 622142 101530 544.5528 323.4170 972.394 183.576 742.8
    Accommodation and food service activities13 239115 543115 188.8114 841.149 376.040 597.84 062.5
    Information and communication21 327109 683345 523.2339 191.8146 034.3102 039.722 403.8
    Real estate activities56 07631 354216 809.9214 415.8120 382.020 295.385 501.0
    Professional, scientific and technical activities62 016170 912378 954.0377 469.7185 094.0149 669.412 514.4
    Administrative and support service activities23 086142 657230 186.0229 300.0114 186.477 937.223 672.7
    Other service activities17 07029 34924 258.923 486.913 672.39 260.7723.8
    1VAT is not included.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Principal figures by employment group. Enterprises
    Principal figures by employment group. Enterprises1
    EnterpriseEmployed personsTurnover (NOK million)Production value (NOK million)Value added (NOK million)Personell costs (NOK million)
    0-1 employed321 714132 474764 280.7662 744.7287 076.525 303.0
    2-9 employed85 221336 675773 597.4547 907.9239 909.8165 751.5
    10-19 employed16 297217 988652 913.1407 276.1164 519.5128 737.9
    20-49 employed9 069267 609915 472.5609 607.5247 254.3177 440.8
    50-249 employed3 796363 3081 621 556.91 131 377.5411 388.6271 466.4
    250 or more employed756587 9854 456 471.73 775 564.22 854 522.5440 630.4
    1VAT is not included.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Principal figures by county. Establishments.
    Principal figures by county. Establishments.1 2
    Number of establishmentsEmployed personsTurnover (NOK million)Wages and salaries (NOK million)
    Viken (2020-2023)108 710405 6011 542 149.8203 323.7
    Oslo82 913362 0761 549 499.7216 067.7
    Innlandet31 286107 233350 122.6:
    Vestfold og Telemark (2020-2023)37 704129 313448 089.459 210.0
    Agder27 80697 034315 873.743 293.7
    Rogaland37 475194 718670 311.0107 105.0
    Vestland52 073216 049892 149.1104 207.8
    Møre og Romsdal21 24090 616335 456.942 705.6
    Trøndelag - Trööndelage37 144151 589460 641.370 950.9
    Nordland - Nordlánnda18 39271 772239 571.732 285.5
    Troms og Finnmark - Romsa ja Finnmárku (2020-2023)19 32873 005211 227.632 413.6
    Svalbard3301 4154 928.7832.4
    1VAT is not included.
    2Principal figures year 2022 for establishments in industrial code 19 and 72 were corrected 25.04.2024.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Principal figures by region. Establishments.
    Principal figures by region. Establishments.1 2
    Number of establishmentsEmployed personsTurnover (NOK million)Wages and salaries (NOK million)
    Oslo and Viken191 623767 6773 091 649.5419 391.4
    Innlandet31 286107 233350 122.6:
    Agder and South Eastern Norway65 510226 347763 963.1102 503.7
    Western Norway110 788501 3831 897 917.0254 018.4
    Trøndelag37 144151 589460 641.370 950.9
    Northern Norway38 050146 192455 728.065 531.5
    Unknown region1018 4912 297 191.5:
    1VAT is not included.
    2Principal figures year 2022 for establishments in industrial code 19 and 72 were corrected 25.04.2024.
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 11 February 2025.


Until and including year 2021, the enterprise is defined as the legal entity in this statistics.

From year 2022, the enterprise is defined as the smallest combination of legal units that is an organizational unit producing goods or services, which benefits from a certain degree of autonomy in decision-making, especially for the allocation of its current resources. An enterprise carries out one or more activities at one or more locations. An enterprise may be a sole legal unit.

Legal units

Legal units are recognised by law or by society, independently of the persons or institutions that own them. The characteristics of a legal unit are the following: they own assets, they incur liabilities and they enter into transactions with other entities (contracts).

Legal units include:

• legal persons whose existence is recognised by law, independently of the individuals or institutions which may own them, or are members of them,

• natural persons who are engaged in an economic activity in their own right.

Local kind-of-activity unit (LKAU)

Defined as a locally delimited functional unit that mainly performs activities within a specific industry group.


The location is in accordance with the municipal divisions as of 1 January in the reference year. In some industries, an enterprise can operate in several municipalities or counties without being divided into several KAUs. In such cases, the enterprise’s collective activity is registered under the enterprise’s business address.

Owners without fixed salary who work in the enterprise daily

Owners include owners of sole proprietorships, general partnerships and shared liability companies, as well as family members without a fixed salary who work in the enterprise on a daily basis and such like. Co-owners in shareholder groups and cooperatives who are paid to work in the enterprise are not included. Neither are family members of owners of sole proprietorships, general partnerships or shared liability companies if they have a fixed salary.


The number of employees is taken from ‘a-ordningen’ dating back to 2015. An employee is someone who works for an employer and earns a wage/salary or other remuneration. The employer has an obligation to submit monthly reporting figures for all employees. Exceptions apply to certain types of employment where the employer does not have the usual authority to issue instructions vis-à-vis an employee. In the figures on employees, all employment in a unit during the year is included. Checks are made to ensure that each person can have only one job in the same enterprise, but can be registered as an employee in several enterprises at the same time.

The number of employees shown in the business statistics represents an annual average.


The employment figure is made up of owners and employees. Those with more than one job may be counted in more than one industry. The employment figures in the business statistics show an annual average of the number in employment.

In the register-based employment statistics, each person is only counted in their main job. However, in the business statistics, the same person can have more than one job at the same time. The register-based employment statistics are based on persons employed, while the business statistics provide information on the KAUs and enterprises that make up the population. The number of persons employed in the business statistics will therefore not be directly comparable with the number of persons employed in other statistics.

Contracted workers from temporary employment agencies are not included in the employment figures. Contracted construction workers from temporary employment agencies in Norway are included in the figures for industry group 78.200 – Temporary employment agency activities. Contracted workers from foreign employment agencies are not included in the statistics.

Part-time employee

Part-time employees are employees who has contracted less than 30 workinghours per week.

Full-time equivalent (FTE)

FTE refers to the unit of measurement equivalent to a full-time employee, and the figures show the annual FTE in the enterprise. This figure corresponds to the number of employees converted to the number of FTEs.


The turnover is defined as an enterprise’s annual sales revenue net of all government grants and profits from the sale of assets. VAT is not included in the turnover. From year 2022, special government taxes on sales are subtracted from the turnover. For the industry classification sections P and Q, government grants reported in the income statement under the heading “3400” are considered market production and, therefore, included in the turnover.

Production value

The production value is defined as turnover adjusted for changes in stocks of finished goods, goods in process and goods and services purchased for resale.

From year 2022 special government taxes on sales are subtracted from the turnover and hence, also from the production value.

Intermediate consumption

Value of the goods and services consumed as inputs in the production process, excluding fixed assets whose consumption is recorded as consumption of fixed capital. Depreciation of fixed assets are not included

Value added at factor cost

Value added at factor cost is defined as the Production value minus Intermediate consumption. Public subsidiaries are added and special taxes are subracted

Labour costs

Labour costs include wages, holiday pay, fees etc., employers’ National Insurance contributions, reportable pension costs and other personnel costs. Labour costs do not include remuneration to owners of sole proprietorships or general partnerships, or to family members without a fixed salary.


Wages includes salaries, holiday pay, fees etc. Employers’ National Insurance contributions, reportable pension costs and other personnel costs are not included.

Social security costs

Social security costs includes employers’ National Insurance contributions, reportable pension costs and other personnel costs.

Gross operating profit

The gross operating profit is the sum of the value added (at factor prices) minus labour costs.

Cost of temporary workers

Cost of temporary workers includes payments to temporary employment agencies and similar organisations for personnel provided by them. Only payments for personnel that are not related to the performance of a particular industrial or non-industrial service are included.

Total purchase of goods and services

The total purchase of goods and services includes the value of all goods and services that are purchased during the course of the year for resale, for use in the enterprises' own production process or for storage. The procurement of tangible fixed assets is not included in these figures.

Purchase of goods for resale

The purchase of goods for resale is defined as the value of all goods purchased by the enterprise for resale without further processing.

Gross investments

Gross investments are the total value of new capital goods such as buildings and plant, machinery, tools, implements, software, vehicles (except for personal use), both new and used. Improvements are added. Investment figures are minus incoming value added tax.

Building sites are included in the definition from 2017. Financial leasing is included from 2019.

The implementation of IFRS16 makes the Gross Investments not directly comparable to earlier years. Units, having operational leasing agreements, should register the Capital goods on the balance sheet. It will in practice turn the arrangement from operational leasing to fiancial leasing and should therefore be included in the Gross investments.

The industry classification is in accordance with the Norwegian Standard Industrial Classification (SIC 2007) used in Statistics Norway, which is based on the EU Standard NACE Rev. 2 and the United Nation’s International Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities (ISIC), Rev. 4.

See Statistics Norway’s Standard Industrial Classification for a description of the different industries.

Earlier time series with figures up to the end of 2008 are published in accordance with SIC2002 (based on the EU’s standard NACE Rev. 1.) Here you can find information on the transition to a new industry standard.


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