Gross investment (tangible assets) data for “Extraction of oil and natural gas” (06)

Gross investment (tangible assets) data for “Extraction of oil and natural gas” (06) are not included in the survey, and this affects the results for gross investments. The survey will be recalculated when the data are available.

Statistikk innhold

Statistics about

Foreign subsidiaries in Norway

The survey describes the structure and development of foreign affiliates in Norway and their impact on the Norwegian economy.

Updated: 25 June 2024
Next update: 23 June 2025

Selected figures from this statistics

  • Enterprises under foreign control. The most important owners
    Enterprises under foreign control. The most important owners
    EnterprisesPersons employedTurnover (NOK million)
    Enterprises under foreign control, in all9 882391 0572 424 701
    Sweden2 98196 730351 052
    Denmark1 06637 323138 960
    United Kingdom89740 368384 940
    United States of America88253 192364 878
    Switzerland59822 298325 527
    Germany48528 943166 386
    Netherlands35310 45552 807
    Finland34316 497132 419
    France30025 182105 252
    In per cent
    United Kingdom9.110.315.9
    United States of America8.913.615.0
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 12 September 2023.


A local unit not constituting a separate legal entity.


The ability to determine the general policy of an enterprise by choosing appropriate directors.


The smallest combination of legal units that is an organisational unit producing goods or services, which benefits from a certain degree of autonomy in decision-making, especially for the allocation of its current resources.

Enterprise group

An association of enterprises bound together by legal and/or financial links and controlled by the group head.

Foreign affiliate

An enterprise or a branch resident in a country which is under the control of an institutional unit not resident in the same country.

Institutional unit

Elementary economic decision-making centre characterised by uniformity of behaviour and decision-making autonomy in the exercise of its principal function. There are two main types of institutional units:

1. Households and individuals who make up a household

2. Legal entities

Legal entity

A legal or social entity is one whose existence is recognized by law or society independently of the persons or other entities that may own or control it.

Ultimate controlling institutional unit (UCI)

The institutional unit, proceeding up a foreign affiliate’s chain of control, which is not controlled by another institutional unit.

The classification by industry in the Inward Foreign Afiliates Statistics follows the Norwegian Standard Industrial Classification (SIC 2007), which is based on NACE Rev.2 (EU) and ISIC Rev.4 (UN). NACE Rev. 2 is used when data are transmitted to Eurostat.

The classification by country or territory in the Inward Foreign Afiliates Statistics follows the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes, which are two-letter country codes defined in the ISO 3166-1 standard. GEONOM is used when data are transmitted to Eurostat.

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