Statistikk innhold

Statistics about

Road traffic accidents involving personal injury

The statistics cover accidents reported to the police and are limited to accidents that involve at least one vehicle, and that have taken place on public or private roads, streets or places open to general traffic.

Updated: 21 March 2025
Next update: 25 April 2025

Selected figures from this statistics

  • Persons killed or seriously injured
    Persons killed or seriously injured1
    February 20252023Average last 5 years
    KilledKilledSeverely injuredKilledSeverely injured
    Group of road user
    Drivers of car15019146191
    Passengers of car021821682
    Drivers and passengers on motorcycle and moped02115919146
    Cyclists , pedestrians and persons sledging11111315134
    0-15 years0720320
    16-24 years02014118115
    25-44 years02312323138
    45-64 years13716832184
    65 years or older12311426123
    Unknown age00201
    1Severely injured are total number of seriously injured and very seriously injured.
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 31 August 2023.

People: People involved in accidents resulting in personal injury

Other unit: Vehicles involved in accidents resulting in personal injury

Persons sledging: Group of road user includes persons sledging, skiing, roller skiing, skateboarding and kicksledding.

Degree of injury is broken down into: killed, very seriously injured, seriously injured and slightly injured.

Killed: People who die within 30 days after the accident from injuries related to it.

Very seriously injured: Life-threatening injuries or injuries of a permanent character.

Seriously injured: Major, but not life-threatening injuries.

Slightly injured: Minor fractures, scratches etc. Hospitalization is not required.

Severely injured: A blanket term for “very seriously injured" and “seriously injured".

Given in the booklet Rettledning til utfylling av rapport om veitrafikkuhell (instructions on how to fill out the road traffic accident report form).

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