Discussion papers
Discussion papers presenterer forskningsstoff som sikter mot å ende opp som en internasjonal publikasjon og distribueres for kommentarer og forslag.
Et Discussion paper kan være lengre og fyldigere enn det som er vanlig for en artikkel ved at blant annet ugjennomsiktige mellomrekninger, resultater og bakgrunnsmateriale blir inkludert.
Didactic methods and small-group instruction for low-performing adolescents in mathematics: Results from a randomized controlled trial
Discussion Papers no. 957
Lars J. Kirkebøen, Trude Gunnes, Lena Lindenskov and Marte RønningPublisert:
Can high-dosage tutoring help low-performing adolescents?
Emission targets and coalition options for a small, ambitious country
Discussion Papers no. 956
Taran Fæhn and Hidemichi YonezawaPublisert:
We theoretically and numerically analyse the impacts for a small, open country with carbon abatement ambitions of joining a coalition with allowance trading.
Corporate taxes, investment and the self-financing rate
Discussion Papers no. 955
Thomas von Brasch, Ivan Frankovic and Eero TölöPublisert:
In this paper, we study how lower corporate tax rates impact investment by including two novel channels into a DSGE model used for fiscal policy analysis in Norway.
Family composition and transitions into long-term care services among the elderly
Discussion Papers no. 954
Astri Syse, Alyona Artamonova, Michael Thomas and Marijke VeenstraPublisert:
Elderly’s use of long-term care (LTC) services are likely to be influenced by family members, but there is scarce research on the role played by partners and/or adult children, especially taking geographic proximity into account.
Flexible empirical Bayes estimation of local fertility schedules: reducing small area problems and preserving regional variation
Discussion Papers no. 953
Stefan Leknes and Sturla A. LøkkenPublisert:
Reliable local demographic schedules are in high demand, but small area problems pose a challenge to estimation. The literature has directed little attention to the opportunities created by increased availability of high-quality geo-coded data.
Altruist talk may (also) be cheap: Revealed versus stated altruism as a predictor in stated preference studies
Discussion Papers no. 952
Endre Kildal Iversen, Kristine Grimsrud, Yohei Mitani and Henrik LindhjemPublisert:
Altruistic preferences of various forms may cause difficulties in welfare economics. In the valuation of public goods, such preferences are believed to help explain the substantial non-use values found in many stated preference (SP) valuation surveys
A two-stage pooled panel data estimator of demand elasticities
Discussion Papers no. 951
Thomas von Brasch and Arvid RaknerudPublisert:
In a seminal paper, Feenstra (1994) developed an instrumental variable estimator which is becoming increasingly popular for estimating demand elasticities.
College as a Marriage Market
Discussion Papers no. 950
Lars Kirkebøen, Edwin Leuven and Magne MogstadPublisert:
Recent descriptive work suggests the type of college education (field or institution) is an important but neglected pathway through which individuals sort into homogeneous marriages.
Taxation of fuel and vehicles when emissions are constrained
Discussion Papers no. 949
Geir H. M. BjertnæsPublisert:
A tax on fuel combined with tax exemptions or subsidies for fuel-efficient vehicles is implemented in many countries to fulfill the Paris agreement and to curb mileage-related externalities from road traffic.
The accuracy of Statistics Norway’s national population projections
Discussion Papers no. 948
Rebecca F. Gleditsch, Adrian F. Rogne, Astri Syse and Michael ThomasPublisert:
Statistics Norway projects the population by age, sex and immigrant background at the national level. This paper examines the accuracy of the Norwegian population projections produced between 1996 and 2018.
Do employees benefit from worker representation on corporate boards?
Discussion Papers no. 947
Christine Blandhol, Magne Mogstad, Peter Nilsson, and Ola L. VestadPublisert:
This paper studies whether employees benefit from worker representation on corporate boards.
Broadband internet and the stock market investments of individual investors
Discussion Papers no. 946
Hans K. Hvide, Tom G. Meling, Magne Mogstad, and Ola L. VestadPublisert:
We study the effects of broadband internet use on the portfolio selection of individual investors.
Assessing income tax perturbations
Discussion Papers no. 945
Vidar Christiansen, Zhiyang Jia, and Thor O. ThoresenPublisert:
We present a scheme for analysing income tax perturbations, applied to a real Norwegian tax reform during 2016 - 2018
An exact additive decomposition of the weighted arithmetic mean
Discussion Papers no. 944
Thomas von Brasch, Håkon Grini, Magnus Berglund Johnsen and Trond Christian VigtelPublisert:
Several multiplicative decompositions of the unit value index are described in literature.
Do audits improve future tax compliance in the absence of penalties? Evidence from random Audits in Norway
Discussion Papers no. 943
Shafik Hebous, Zhiyang Jia, Knut Løyland, Thor O. Thoresen, and Arnstein ØvrumPublisert:
The Norwegian Tax Administration operated multi-year random audits of personal income tax returns. We exploit this exceptional randomized setup to estimate the effects of tax audits on future compliance explicitly distinguishing between dynamic responses of compliant and noncompliant audited taxpayers.
Scope elasticity and economic significance in discrete choice experiments
Discussion Papers no. 942
Anders Dugstad, Kristine Grimsrud, Gorm Kipperberg, Henrik Lindhjem and Ståle NavrudPublisert:
Sensitivity to scope in nonmarket valuation refers to the property that people are willing to pay more for a higher quality or quantity of a nonmarket public good.
Urban Green. Integrating ecosystem extent and condition as a basis for ecosystem accounts. Examples from the Oslo region
Discussion Papers no. 941
Per Arild Garnåsjordet, Margrete Steinnes, Zofie Cimburova, Megan Nowell, David N. Barton and Iulie AslaksenPublisert:
The article enhances the knowledge base for assessment of urban ecosystem services, within UN System of Environmental-Economic Accounting Experimental Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA EEA), which is based on spatial extent accounts (area of ecosystems) and biophysical condition accounts (ecological state of ecosystems).
Are carbon prices redundant in the 2030 EU climate and energy policy package?
Discussion Papers no. 940
Finn Roar Aune and Rolf GolombekPublisert:
This paper offers a comprehensive assessment of the EU package, with its three main targets: lower greenhouse gas emissions, higher renewable share in final energy consumption, and improved energy efficiency.
Explaining residential clustering of fertility
Discussion Papers no. 939
Janna Bergsvik, Sara Cools, and Rannveig K. HartPublisert:
Numerous studies have shown that fertility behavior is spatially clustered. In addition to pure context effects, two causal mechanisms could drive this pattern
Efficient spatial allocation of wind power plants given environmental externalities due to turbines and grids
Discussion Papers no. 938
Kristine M. Grimsrud, Cathrine Hagem, Arne Lind, and Henrik LindhjemPublisert:
Negative environmental externalities associated with wind power plants depend on the physical characteristics of turbine installations and associated power lines and the geographical siting.