Methods and documentation for Labour market and earnings
Articles, analysis, and publications
LÆRERMOD 2.0 Technical documentation of Statistics Norway’s teacher projection model Document 30 August
This documentation highlights the new version of LÆRERMOD - assumptions, equations, and implementation in Python.
Weighting methodology for the Norwegian Labour Force Survey from 2021 onwards Document 17 November
This document provides the background of the revision that was made in 2021 in the weighting methodology for the Norwegian Labour Force Survey (NLFS), and practical and technical details behind the calculation of monthly and quarterly individual weights and yearly household weights.
The Norwegian Labour Force Survey sampling design Document 28 November
In 2021, many changes were implemented in the Norwegian Labour Force Survey (NLFS). The sampling plan was changed to better reflect the main output goals for the survey. It included moving to an individual sampling unit, allowing new stratification variables and allocations.
Structural break in the Norwegian LFS due to the 2021 redesign Discussion paper 26 August
The labour force surveys (LFSs) on all Eurostat countries underwent a substantial redesign in January 2021. To ensure coherent labour market time series for the main indicators in the Norwegian LFS, we model the impact of the redesign.
Break estimation in the Norwegian LFS due to the 2021 redesign. Documentation of the methods and some results Document 27 January
In 2021 The Norwegian Labour force survey (LFS) went through a substantial redesign in accordance with the new regulation for integrated European social statistics (IESS). To ensure coherent labour market time series for the main indicators, the redesign's impact is modelled to make back-calculated estimates adjusted for possible breaks due to the 2021 LFS-redesign.
Selection in Surveys Discussion paper 9 December
We evaluate how nonresponse affects conclusions drawn from survey data and consider how researchers can reliably test and correct for nonresponse bias.
Internal labor markets: A worker flow approach Discussion paper 26 August
This paper develops a new method to study how workers’ career and wage profiles are shaped by internal labor markets (ILM) and job hierarchies in firms.
Welfare effects of tax policy change when there are choice restrictions on labour supply Discussion paper 12 August
Information about individual choices of heterogeneous agents. Results can for example be used to describe the distributional effects of tax policy change, such as the effects on changes in money metric utility – distributions of equivalent and compensating variation (EV or CV).