Statistikk innhold

Statistics about

Credit indicator

The credit indicator measures the general public’s debt. The indicators differentiate between domestic debt C2 and total debt C3. C3 is equal to C2 plus foreign debt. Transaction and growth estimations are corrected for changes in stocks that are not due to new borrowings or repayments of loans.

Updated: 26 March 2025
Next update: 30 April 2025

Selected figures from this statistics

  • The general public's debt. 12-month growth. Per cent
    The general public's debt. 12-month growth. Per cent
    Domestic loan debt (C2)
    General publicHouseholds etc.Non-financial corporationsMunicipal government
    August 20243.
    September 20243.
    October 20243.
    November 20243.
    December 20243.
    January 20253.
    February 20253.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Domestic debt C2, 12-month growth. Per cent

  • Domestic debt C2, by debtor sectors. NOK million

  • Domestic debt C2, by creditor sectors. NOK million

  • Total debt C3, by loan debt. NOK million

  • Total debt C3, by selected industries. NOK million

About the statistics

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 31 October 2022.

C1 shows the development in the general public’s loan debt to Norwegian lenders in NOK.

C2 shows the development in the general public’s loan debt to Norwegian lenders in NOK and foreign currency.

C3 shows the development in the general public’s loan debt to domestic and foreign lenders in NOK and foreign currency.

The general public comprises the institutional sectors general government, non-financial corporations and households etc. Non-profit institutions serving households is included in the household sector in C2. In the credit indicator statistics, we measure the development in debt for these borrowing sectors.

The loan debt in C1 and C2 comprises loans from banks and other financial institutions as well as debt securities issued in Norway with a Norwegian lender. The external loan debt in C3 comprises the general public’s remaining debt securities and other loans with a foreign lender, including intercompany loans.

The credit indicator statistics apply different combinations of borrowing sectors, lenders, industry classification and currency.

Borrowing sectors: the sector aggregate general public comprise of the institutional sectors general government (sector code 6500), non-financial corporations (sector code 1110-2500) and households etc. (sector code 7000-8500, as well as 0800 unspecified sector).

Industry classification: mainland Norway and oil activities and ocean transport are the industry aggregates we apply in the credit indicator statistics. This follows the definitions of the National accounts.

Oil activities comprise all enterprises in industry 22 (Services linked to extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas) and industry 23 (Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas). The industry codes referr to the codes that are used for reporting in ORBOF and are based on the European classification of industries, NACE.

Ocean transport comprises all enterprises classified in industry 49 (Sea transport abroad and transport via pipelines).

Currency: NOK and sum foreign currency.

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