Banks and mortgage companies

Updated: 28 November 2024

Next update: 3 January 2025

Deposits from households
Deposits from households
October 2024
1 722 998
NOK million
Banks and mortgage companies, selected figures. NOK million
Banks and mortgage companies, selected figures. NOK million
September 2024October 2024
Loans to households1 695 0431 698 997
Loans to the manufacturing industry113 486112 127
Deposits from households1 722 4501 722 998
Housing savings for young people44 53644 082
Mortgage companies
Loans to households2 156 4942 168 103
Loans to the manufacturing industry2 2512 280
Explanation of symbols

Selected tables and charts from this statistics

  • Loans from banks by industry. NOK million
    Loans from banks by industry. NOK million
    July 2024August 2024September 2024October 2024
    All industries1 929 1911 931 8921 936 1361 945 377
    Agriculture68 71569 22870 66271 308
    Forestry4 2954 3094 4194 425
    Fishing and hunting55 58555 78054 33053 957
    Fish farming services60 79160 98262 92663 326
    Mining and quarrying8 3798 2168 2578 978
    Services linked to extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas1 0411 0201 0132 313
    Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas4 0383 9374 0594 893
    Industry109 815115 636113 486112 127
    Ship and boat building4 0995 4555 5906 031
    Electricity and water supply64 48764 25560 07161 774
    Water supply, drainage and waste disposal11 55011 56611 53211 593
    Real estate development169 663170 381167 325167 344
    Building and construction work beyond real estate development53 90852 14952 96052 485
    Commodity trade etc100 55796 65497 757101 031
    Sea transport abroad and transport via pipelines47 49946 38746 79046 698
    Transportation and storage63 68763 93065 70370 870
    Hotels and restaurants23 28223 17622 92525 006
    Information and communication24 62825 56826 82826 916
    Real estate, renting and business activities832 969836 817843 750842 001
    Professional and financial services126 218123 457124 576121 218
    Businesslike services44 41642 93341 60040 282
    Other service activities49 56950 05449 57750 802
    Explanation of symbols
  • Loans to households by type, from banks and mortgage companies. NOK million
    Loans to households by type, from banks and mortgage companies. NOK million1
    July 2024August 2024September 2024October 2024
    Credit lines, secured on dwellings198 617200 161199 861200 613
    Credit lines, secured on commercial property16 81317 00317 56517 869
    Credit lines, secured on other items10 85210 91510 44010 022
    Credit card loans26 85726 51726 86227 258
    Factoring1 1041 1071 1651 080
    Leasing8 8318 8188 7168 581
    Other credit lines, without collateral12 00912 00411 99511 804
    Repayment loans secured on dwellings1 225 9361 236 0671 210 6301 212 307
    Repayment loans, secured on commercial property76 64977 25580 55481 084
    Repayment loans, secured on other items92 80092 58893 03493 415
    Repayment loans, without collateral39 84739 99440 07740 937
    Reverse repurchase agreement3 0762 0922 1612 095
    Mortgage companies
    Credit lines, secured on dwellings432 849432 580436 016438 617
    Credit lines, secured on commercial property775786764752
    Credit lines, secured on other items539535531477
    Credit card loans20202021
    Leasing2 4822 4972 5042 507
    Other credit lines, without collateral292468
    Repayment loans secured on dwellings1 668 5311 667 8841 700 5361 709 262
    Repayment loans, secured on commercial property3 9084 0204 0514 019
    Repayment loans, secured on other items10 42612 70512 91513 279
    Repayment loans, without collateral77714654
    Reverse repurchase agreement........
    1Loans in this table are measured in gross value.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Deposits from households by type. NOK million
    Deposits from households by type. NOK million
    July 2024August 2024September 2024October 2024
    Total deposits1 729 9181 731 4931 722 4501 722 998
    Transaction deposits1 412 8531 413 9881 404 8001 405 884
    Deposits with short agreed maturity243 301244 766246 339247 861
    Deposits with long agreed maturity19 66319 00518 39316 902
    Tax deduction accounts322428274402
    Deposits related to pension schemes376375370365
    Housing savings for young people45 39944 96844 53644 082
    Deposits tied to other purposes8 0057 9647 7387 502
    Explanation of symbols
  • Loans from financial corporations by borrower sector. NOK million
    Loans from financial corporations by borrower sector. NOK million
    July 2024August 2024September 2024October 2024
    Non-financial corporations1 741 1251 742 7651 744 9801 751 622
    Financial corporations582 644550 590599 414587 910
    General government11 95112 14410 4228 347
    Non-profit institutions serving households14 07714 11514 35814 492
    Households1 705 3111 716 3591 695 0431 698 997
    Rest of the world837 071829 049778 8091 028 686
    Finance companies1
    Non-financial corporations....82 510.
    Financial corporations....257.
    General government....3 431.
    Non-profit institutions serving households....345.
    Households....90 538.
    Rest of the world....16 342.
    Mortgage companies
    Non-financial corporations51 02251 19650 90151 629
    Financial corporations24 68517 69040 09152 759
    General government362 730368 531369 216370 438
    Non-profit institutions serving households912830819814
    Households2 118 7282 120 2172 156 4942 168 103
    Rest of the world6 7367 6734 9304 955
    State lending institutions
    Non-financial corporations37 03537 03936 92837 159
    Financial corporations29293130
    General government117 160117 805117 594116 815
    Non-profit institutions serving households12 29512 26212 21812 329
    Households300 701306 397308 425308 547
    Rest of the world3 6943 6943 6943 694
    1Quarterly reporting
    Explanation of symbols
  • Main figures from banks' profit and loss accounts. NOK million
    Main figures from banks' profit and loss accounts. NOK million
    3rd quarter 20213rd quarter 20223rd quarter 20233rd quarter 2024
    Total interest income and similar income80 155118 326247 072309 638
    Total interest expenses and similar expenses17 82944 719151 274209 851
    Net interest income62 32673 60795 79899 787
    Total income119 907150 052286 297351 964
    Total cost64 31493 301206 297267 787
    Pre-loss profit55 59456 75180 00084 177
    Total credit loss on loans, guarantees and securities3 6311651 7754 784
    Confirmed credit losses on loans5 4316 0321 0612 467
    Pre-tax profit51 96356 58678 22579 392
    Taxes on ordinary profit11 66812 30817 52818 304
    Profit and loss before other comprehensive income40 29544 27860 69761 088
    Other comprehensive income before taxes4741 850415691
    Taxes on other comprehensive income-112-217-131-267
    Comprehensive income40 65745 91060 98161 512
    Explanation of symbols
  • Deposits by county. NOK million

  • Loans from banks by county. NOK million

About the statistics

The statistics on banks and mortgage companies compile balance sheets and profit and loss accounts for credit institutions, finance companies and state lending institutions. The balance sheet shows assets, liabilities and equity. The profit and loss account shows revenues and expenses.

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 16 October 2024.

Balance sheet, monthly and yearly
The balance sheet shows assets, liabilities and equity at the end of the accounting period. The most important balance sheet items are presented by sector.

Profit and loss account, quarterly
The profit and loss account shows accumulated revenues and expenses throughout the year.

Deposits with short agreed maturity
Notice period up to and including 3 months or agreed maturity of up to and including 2 years.

Deposits with long agreed maturity
Notice period over 3 months or agreed maturity of over 2 years.

Transaction deposits
Comprises deposits from which, regardless of purpose, payments and withdrawals may be made directly, without additional costs beyond regular transaction fees (overnight deposits).

There are four types of classifications: object/instrument, sector, industry and type.

Finance objects and real objects (instruments)

Liabilities, claims and other assets in banks and financial corporations' balance sheets are divided into main equable groups, for example loans, bank deposits, bonds, shares etc.

Debtor and creditor sector

Borrowers and lenders are classified by institutional sector classification based on the national accounts' regulations. See our pages for the reporting institutions (in Norwegian)

Debtor and creditor industry

Based on regulations in the industry standard, loans and deposits are grouped according to which industry the debtor or creditor belongs to. See our pages for the reporting institutions (in Norwegian)

Income and cost types
Income and cost types are based on national account regulations. Examples of income and cost types are interest income and interest costs.

Name: Banks and mortgage companies
Topic: Banking and financial markets

3 January 2025

Division for Financial Markets Statistics

The whole country

The monthly balance sheet statistics is published 5 weeks after the reporting period. The profit and loss account is published 8 weeks after the reporting period. Yearly aggregated loans and deposits by county are published 6 months after the reporting period.

Reporting to the BIS, Eurostat, the IMF and the OECD.

Not relevant

The reporting procedure is made in collaboration between the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway, Norges Bank and Statistics Norway. The data from banks and financial corporations form the basis for the supervision of the institutions and the financial markets. The data is also an information base for the monetary and credit market policy and a vital contribution to the statistics for credit indicators and monetary growth. The reporting is the main base for the official statistics on financial enterprises. It is also an important input in the national accounts and the balance of payments and the credit market statistics. The data is used for international reporting to the BIS, Eurostat, the IMF and the OECD etc.

The main area of application is statistics (publishing and input in other statistics), analysis and supervision (by the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway). The data is included in the national accounts, financial sector accounts and the balance of payments. Important users other than Statistics Norway are Norges Bank, the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway, Ministry of Finance, the financial services industry, researchers at universities and in international organisations, and the media.

Not relevant

The statistics are based on the guidelines in the national accounts standards System of National Accounts from 2008 (SNA 2008), European System of Accounts from 2010 (ESA 2010) and the IMF Manual on Monetary and Financial Statistics.

Statistics from the financial institutions are used in the national accounts, financial sector accounts, the balance of payments and in the Norwegian statistics of foreign debt and receivables.

The main part of the data covered here is collected under the provisions of the Act on the Supervision of Credit Institutions, Insurance Companies and Securities Trading etc. (Financial Supervision Act) of 7 December 1956 no. 1 (with amendments per 1 July 2003). Reporting from Norges Bank and from state lending institutions is obtained under the provisions of the Act concerning official statistics and Statistics Norway of 21 June 2019 no. 32 (the Statistics Act).

Council directive 635/86 Accounting directive for banks and other credit institutions.

Council directive 2006/48/EF Supervisory directive relating to the taking up and pursuit of the business of credit institutions

Council regulation 295/2008. Council regulation 251/2009 Amendments to council regulation 295/2008.

Council regulation 2223/96 The regulation covers the European system for national and regional accounts.

Council regulation 1392/2007 Amendments to council regulation 2223/96.

Council regulation 1606/2002 Regulation on the application of international accounting standards

Council regulation 297/2008 Amendments to council regulation 1606/2002

The financial statistics is based on balance sheet and profit and loss account data from Norges Bank, all banks, state lending institutions, mortgage companies and financial companies in Norway, including foreign companies' branches in Norway.

The data is based on reconciliated accounting data from financial institutions.

The accounting statistics are based on the total count.

The Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway and Statistics Norway work together to collect the accounting data. All data is reported electronically via the official Norwegian portal Altinn. The reporting institutions receive automatic feedback on errors or possible errors in the reporting. These errors should be corrected within two days. After Statistics Norway complete to process the data, the reporting institutions may be asked to control, verify or correct other data not included in the automatic feedback. Corrections from the reporting institutions are received continuously.

Not relevant
Not relevant

Amendments to the Accounting Act and regulations
The accounting statistics for financial institutions is based on current accounting regulations for financial institutions. Breaches may therefore occur in connection with changes in accounting legislation and in the regulations applicable to the financial institutions.

Structural changes in the financial sector
There are several new companies, acquisitions, mergers, spin-offs, reclassifications and portfolio movements every year. Many of these structural changes have no significant impact on the statistics, while others lead to breaches in the time series. Major changes will be commented upon in the current statistics publication.

Regulation on loans
The IFRS-adapted regulation on loans was introduced 1. January 2005. Which led to a small change in the measuring of the value of loans and guaranties in the accounting data and thereby to a small breach in the time series for loans and loan loss provisions. There was also a breach in the time series on loans in 1992 due to changes in accounting rules.

Changes in the presentation of the statistics
Data specifications are updated continuously. An example of changes in data series is that Credit lines secured on dwellings became a new specification from January 2006 and was partly deducted from repayment loans secured on dwellings.

Norwegian covered bonds
Covered bonds are bonds conferring a preferential claim over a cover pool consisting of public sector loans and loans secured on dwellings or other real property. Only mortgage companies with special authorisation can issue covered bonds in Norway, and these bonds have been issued since June 2007.

On 24 October 2008, the Norwegian Parliament granted the Ministry of Finance the authority to put into effect an arrangement where Norwegian banks could “swap” covered bonds with treasury bills. This “swap agreement” was aimed at reducing the negative effects of the financial crisis. The banks can acquire covered bonds either in the market or directly from mortgage companies that are licensed to issue covered bonds. Since the announcement of this offer by the Norwegian government, several new mortgage companies have been established. As a result, lending portfolios have been swapped between banks and mortgage companies.

New specification on industries
In May 2009, a new Norwegian standard for industries were introduced in the financial statistics. This change increased the possibilities to track the development in loans for important individual industries. It also led to breaches in time series for loans by industry. This makes comparison of loans by industry difficult in the period before and after May 2009 on monthly basis, and before and after May 2010 on yearly basis for several industries.

New institutional grouping of sectors
From January 2012, a new Norwegian standard for institutional grouping of sectors were made in line with revised international standards, which Norway is obliged to follow. From March 2012 onwards, this led to breaches in the accounting statistics for banks and financial institutions.

Some companies that were classified as non-financial institutions are now classified as financial institutions. Loan to these institutions should no longer be allocated between different industries and are no longer included in the statistics for loans by industry. The industry for professional and financial services is particularly affected, since many of the institutions that were included earlier, have been moved from non-financial institutions to financial institutions.

New specifications of deposits
As of April 2015, new deposit specifications were introduced in the balance sheet reporting. Some deposit series from the periods prior to April 2015 are therefore not comparable with later periods. See this article for more information:

Customisation of reporting from banks and finance companies (ORBOF) to international accounting standards (IFRS 9)
From January 2018 onwards, there has been completed a large restructuration of the reporting that is the basis for this statistic. This was an extensive restructuration and implied change of definitions in the reported data, which affected both the balance sheet and the profit and loss account. It also led to changes in the scope of some objects in the reporting. Due to the new reporting standard, there are breaches in some time series that makes it challenging to compare data before and after January 2018. See this article for more information:

Errors and discrepancies can occur in the accounting data. These discrepancies can have a several sources:

*Errors in the reporting party's accounts

*Errors in the transfer of data from the institution's primary accounts to data reports and to recipients

*Different accounting and evaluation principles

*Different accounting dates for transactions

*Insufficient data from the reporting parties

*Processing errors

Due to large amounts of data and a dynamic control and revision system, published data will be regarded as preliminary until next years data for the same period is published. This means that data for the current year may be revised without this being marked in the preceding publishing. Large and important revision however, will be commented upon in the publishing of today's statistics.

The statistics show preliminary figures. Data may be revised in future publications.
