Statistikk innhold

Statistics about

Banks and mortgage companies

The statistics on banks and mortgage companies compile balance sheets and profit and loss accounts for credit institutions, finance companies and state lending institutions. The balance sheet shows assets, liabilities and equity. The profit and loss account shows revenues and expenses.

Updated: 28 February 2025
Next update: 28 March 2025

Selected figures from this statistics

  • Banks and mortgage companies, selected figures. NOK million
    Banks and mortgage companies, selected figures. NOK million
    December 2024January 2025
    Loans to households1 590 2521 593 769
    Loans to the manufacturing industry111 394111 077
    Deposits from households1 727 7691 738 904
    Housing savings for young people44 63246 442
    Mortgage companies
    Loans to households2 289 1512 307 124
    Loans to the manufacturing industry2 3502 434
    Explanation of symbols
  • Loans from banks by industry. NOK million
    Loans from banks by industry. NOK million
    October 2024November 2024December 2024January 2025
    All industries1 945 3801 955 4321 951 5781 949 626
    Agriculture71 30872 10873 18373 404
    Forestry4 4254 5094 5594 502
    Fishing and hunting53 95754 07453 73955 335
    Fish farming services63 32666 32068 96267 964
    Mining and quarrying8 9788 4948 3999 997
    Services linked to extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas2 3132 3372 4022 376
    Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas4 8935 5764 8915 330
    Industry112 127114 048111 394111 077
    Ship and boat building6 0313 5672 6453 208
    Electricity and water supply61 77463 89262 74066 311
    Water supply, drainage and waste disposal11 59313 01313 14813 673
    Real estate development167 344167 171159 934159 187
    Building and construction work beyond real estate development52 48552 83453 26252 156
    Commodity trade etc101 031101 105100 780101 401
    Sea transport abroad and transport via pipelines46 69848 48447 02147 016
    Transportation and storage70 87067 54666 21666 637
    Hotels and restaurants25 00623 24325 29224 824
    Information and communication26 91628 24829 06531 029
    Real estate, renting and business activities842 005846 215855 451846 089
    Professional and financial services121 218121 746116 357115 804
    Businesslike services40 28239 32940 40441 109
    Other service activities50 80251 57351 73551 196
    Explanation of symbols
  • Loans to households by type, from banks and mortgage companies. NOK million
    Loans to households by type, from banks and mortgage companies. NOK million1
    October 2024November 2024December 2024January 2025
    Credit lines, secured on dwellings200 613193 166181 532179 039
    Credit lines, secured on commercial property17 86919 97620 40320 215
    Credit lines, secured on other items10 0225 3805 5965 591
    Credit card loans27 25827 59724 76829 453
    Factoring1 0801 1841 1111 086
    Leasing8 5818 6598 5428 419
    Other credit lines, without collateral11 80411 66111 63611 414
    Repayment loans secured on dwellings1 212 3071 108 1041 119 8501 117 614
    Repayment loans, secured on commercial property81 08488 75689 00589 623
    Repayment loans, secured on other items93 41593 85492 03491 472
    Repayment loans, without collateral40 93741 62941 14445 933
    Reverse repurchase agreement2 0952 3502 5592 424
    Mortgage companies
    Credit lines, secured on dwellings438 617465 923466 135467 204
    Credit lines, secured on commercial property752793706679
    Credit lines, secured on other items477497467467
    Credit card loans21222421
    Leasing2 5072 5092 5452 554
    Other credit lines, without collateral8598
    Repayment loans secured on dwellings1 709 2621 803 0081 802 8261 819 534
    Repayment loans, secured on commercial property4 0194 1373 7883 925
    Repayment loans, secured on other items13 27913 54613 57113 550
    Repayment loans, without collateral541424139
    Reverse repurchase agreement........
    1Loans in this table are measured in gross value.
    Explanation of symbols
  • Deposits from households by type. NOK million
    Deposits from households by type. NOK million
    October 2024November 2024December 2024January 2025
    Total deposits1 722 9971 735 3391 727 7691 738 904
    Transaction deposits1 405 8841 421 0631 412 7791 418 699
    Deposits with short agreed maturity247 860246 797246 820249 594
    Deposits with long agreed maturity16 90215 18014 52114 070
    Tax deduction accounts402311372283
    Deposits related to pension schemes365353353349
    Housing savings for young people44 08243 70444 63246 442
    Deposits tied to other purposes7 5027 9318 2929 468
    Explanation of symbols
  • Loans from financial corporations by borrower sector. NOK million
    Loans from financial corporations by borrower sector. NOK million
    October 2024November 2024December 2024January 2025
    Non-financial corporations1 751 6251 759 0261 755 3121 754 531
    Financial corporations587 910619 078626 283608 540
    General government8 3476 8609 93111 984
    Non-profit institutions serving households14 49214 90514 69114 799
    Households1 698 9781 594 2961 590 2521 593 769
    Rest of the world1 028 686897 659906 898981 173
    Finance companies1
    Non-financial corporations....81 026.
    Financial corporations....718.
    General government....3 723.
    Non-profit institutions serving households....338.
    Households....91 419.
    Rest of the world....18 247.
    Mortgage companies
    Non-financial corporations51 62952 57753 11753 134
    Financial corporations52 75934 70939 19235 578
    General government370 438374 144372 755373 522
    Non-profit institutions serving households814825817819
    Households2 168 1032 289 5502 289 1512 307 124
    Rest of the world4 9555 1395 1655 729
    State lending institutions
    Non-financial corporations37 15937 21037 12237 168
    Financial corporations30302516
    General government116 815116 008116 161116 015
    Non-profit institutions serving households12 32912 29812 98112 944
    Households308 547310 503313 102318 102
    Rest of the world3 6943 6943 6944 917
    1Quarterly reporting
    Explanation of symbols
  • Main figures from banks' profit and loss accounts. NOK million
    Main figures from banks' profit and loss accounts. NOK million
    4th quarter 20214th quarter 20224th quarter 20234th quarter 2024
    Total interest income and similar income108 999182 676348 100412 429
    Total interest expenses and similar expenses24 86379 364217 604274 569
    Net interest income84 136103 312130 496137 860
    Total income165 301234 429406 196471 104
    Total cost88 794146 291293 786354 787
    Pre-loss profit76 50788 137112 410116 317
    Total credit loss on loans, guarantees and securities4 4861 2973 4666 407
    Confirmed credit losses on loans8 2026 7342 0833 715
    Pre-tax profit72 02186 840108 945109 910
    Taxes on ordinary profit15 11815 50620 41517 868
    Profit and loss before other comprehensive income56 90371 33488 52992 042
    Other comprehensive income before taxes-3831 468-429714
    Taxes on other comprehensive income111122233-219
    Comprehensive income56 63172 92388 33392 538
    Explanation of symbols
  • Deposits by county. NOK million

  • Loans from banks by county. NOK million

About the statistics

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 16 October 2024.

Balance sheet, monthly and yearly
The balance sheet shows assets, liabilities and equity at the end of the accounting period. The most important balance sheet items are presented by sector.

Profit and loss account, quarterly
The profit and loss account shows accumulated revenues and expenses throughout the year.

Deposits with short agreed maturity
Notice period up to and including 3 months or agreed maturity of up to and including 2 years.

Deposits with long agreed maturity
Notice period over 3 months or agreed maturity of over 2 years.

Transaction deposits
Comprises deposits from which, regardless of purpose, payments and withdrawals may be made directly, without additional costs beyond regular transaction fees (overnight deposits).

There are four types of classifications: object/instrument, sector, industry and type.

Finance objects and real objects (instruments)

Liabilities, claims and other assets in banks and financial corporations' balance sheets are divided into main equable groups, for example loans, bank deposits, bonds, shares etc.

Debtor and creditor sector

Borrowers and lenders are classified by institutional sector classification based on the national accounts' regulations. See our pages for the reporting institutions (in Norwegian)

Debtor and creditor industry

Based on regulations in the industry standard, loans and deposits are grouped according to which industry the debtor or creditor belongs to. See our pages for the reporting institutions (in Norwegian)

Income and cost types
Income and cost types are based on national account regulations. Examples of income and cost types are interest income and interest costs.

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