Occupational pensions

Updated: 3 July 2024

Next update: Not yet determined

Pension liabilities
Pension liabilities
2 648 583
NOK mill
Key figures. Occupational pension and individual pension. NOK Million
Key figures. Occupational pension and individual pension. NOK Million
Earned premiums156 076196 827
Pension payments95 810102 514
Pension liabilities2 379 5052 648 583
Explanation of symbols

Selected tables and charts from this statistics

  • Occupational pension and individual pension
    Occupational pension and individual pension1
    Occupational pension
    Earned premiums126 991119 025149 593156 076196 827
    Defined benefit schemes94 70384 967108 764111 776146 773
    Public pension schemes79 49071 64793 51495 935129 061
    Life insurance companies45 54038 44258 49559 78282 760
    Pension funds10 1778 95413 68813 88118 796
    The Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund2 23 77324 25121 33122 27127 505
    Private pension schemes15 21313 32015 25015 84217 712
    Life insurance companies8 8528 2508 8378 4179 843
    Pension funds6 3615 0706 4137 4247 869
    Defined contribution schemes32 28834 05840 82944 30050 055
    Private pension schemes32 28834 05840 82944 30050 055
    Life insurance companies32 28834 05840 82944 30050 055
    Pension payments80 44283 93988 90695 810102 514
    Defined benefit schemes78 17381 20885 76391 35998 526
    Public pension schemes56 44458 56362 26066 80372 597
    Life insurance companies22 93624 08925 76127 98530 686
    Pension funds4 4644 9165 2665 6916 217
    The Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund29 04429 55831 23333 12735 695
    Private pension schemes21 72922 64523 50324 55625 929
    Life insurance companies16 19016 90417 59218 29519 386
    Pension funds5 5395 7415 9116 2616 543
    Defined contribution schemes2 2672 7313 1434 4513 988
    Private pension schemes2 2692 7313 1434 4513 988
    Life insurance companies2 2692 7313 1434 4513 988
    Pension liabilities3 2 051 8252 129 0092 292 9682 379 5052 648 583
    Defined benefit schemes1 752 6951 773 9981 861 6911 953 2762 126 261
    Public pension schemes1 211 4561 225 1541 301 7611 390 6611 552 095
    Life insurance companies530 810526 967567 622610 001675 032
    Pension funds118 266122 613133 239143 360158 863
    The Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund562 380575 574600 900637 300718 200
    Private pension schemes541 239548 844559 930562 615574 166
    Life insurance companies384 803388 632396 264395 239402 490
    Pension funds156 436160 212163 666167 376171 676
    Defined contribution schemes299 130355 011431 277426 229522 322
    Private pension schemes299 130355 011431 277426 229522 322
    Life insurance companies299 130355 011431 277426 229522 322
    Banks4 00000
    Individual pension
    Earned premiums
    All pension providers3 2903 4483 7313 2083 328
    Life insurance companies3 2903 4483 7313 2083 328
    Pension payments
    All pension providers6 2766 1546 0655 8025 844
    Life insurance companies6 2766 1546 0655 8025 844
    Pension liabilities
    All pension providers78 49672 25674 32571 09573 885
    Life insurance companies76 58871 80773 89470 68373 495
    Banks1 908449431413390
    1In life insurance companies, pension funds Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund and banks (only entitlements). Do not include defined contribution schemes in mutual funds management companies.
    2Includes 65 per cent of total earned premiums from the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund.
    3Includes the life insurance companies obligations related to insurance pensions and the pension funds premium reserves.
    4From 2015 there is no distinguish between individual pensions and defined contribution pensions in employment under pension liabilities of banks.
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The statistics show all pension benefits outside the National Insurance Scheme. What is included in the statistics is public service pensions that are defined benefit and private occupational pensions that can be both defined benefit and defined contribution.

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 22 March 2021.

Public occupational pensions:

Government occupational pensions provide a so-called gross pension benefit.
This means that the benefits from the pension scheme are coordinated with
the benefits from the National Insurance Scheme that are paid at retirement age.
The total pension payment will be at least 66 per cent of the pension base -
regardless of the level of benefits from the National Insurance Scheme.
The agreement is subject to a collective agreement. Gross pension schemes are always defined benefit.

Private occupational pensions:

The scheme is based on a net pension benefit: This means that the benefits from the private pension scheme provide a supplementary pension to the National Insurance Scheme. There is thus no coordination between Folketrygden's benefits and the occupational pension. The net pension scheme does not ensure total payments in the same way as the gross scheme: If the benefit from Folketrygden decreases, the total pension payments will decrease correspondingly. Net pension schemes can be defined benefit or defined contribution. For defined benefit plans, the pension is normally determined as a given share of final salary, either as a gross level including National Insurance or as a net supplement to the National Insurance Scheme. Defined contribution pension is a pension scheme where the employer pays an annual agreed contribution, normally as a percentage of salary.

Not relevant

Name: Occupational pensions
Topic: Banking and financial markets

Not yet determined

Division for Financial Markets Statistics

National level.


Not relevant

Not relevant

Statistics on occupational pensions were first published as a magazine article in 2010. Since then, there has been an annual publication of occupational pensions.

Not relevant

Not relevant

Not relevant

The Financial Supervision Act §1 and 4 and the Statistics Act §3-2

Not relevant

The population is all pension funds, life insurance companies and the Government Pension Fund (SPK).

The statistics are based on accounting data for pension funds, life insurance companies and the Government Pension Fund (SPK).

The statistics are based on accounting data for pension funds, life insurance companies and the Government Pension Fund (SPK).

The accounting statistics are based on total counts.

Not relevant

Not relevant

Not relevant

Not relevant

Not relevant
