Statistikk innhold

Statistics about

Life and non-life insurance companies, accounts

The statistics cover all life and non-life insurance companies and branches of foreign companies in Norway. It shows overall performance, balance and some specifications for the sector and industry.

Updated: 19 February 2025
Next update: 22 May 2025

Selected figures from this statistics

  • Key Figures. NOK Million
    Key Figures. NOK Million
    4th quarter 20234th quarter 2024
    Life insurance companies
    Assets2 246 2702 493 690
    Premiums earned218 970226 193
    Gross claims payment78 18782 725
    Profit/loss on ordinary activities7 15612 699
    Net income from financial assets143 674206 138
    Non-life insurance companies
    Assets306 206325 812
    Earned premiums103 942116 670
    Gross claims payments81 76688 595
    Profit/loss on ordinary activities19 51129 783
    Net income from financial assets13 26118 071
    Explanation of symbols
  • Life insurance companies. Profitt and loss account. NOK Million
    Life insurance companies. Profitt and loss account. NOK Million
    4th quarter 20231st quarter 20242nd quarter 20243rd quarter 20244th quarter 2024
    Premiums earned218 97052 646121 037176 749226 193
    Gross premiums written169 80935 67891 096134 325170 267
    Reinsurers share of gross premiums written-620-208-313-394-575
    Transfers of premium reserve from other companies49 78217 17630 25442 81856 500
    Claims incurred, net of reinsurance129 85838 51072 866106 039141 061
    Gross claims payment78 18720 46741 07461 51182 725
    Reinsurance share of gross claims payments-515-83-162-241-481
    Transfers of premiumreserve etc. to other companies52 18518 12631 95444 76958 817
    Net change in technical provisions217 57686 818153 789226 240270 777
    Premium reserve183 77162 284118 673171 336203 965
    Other technical provisions-3 83344560320630
    To/from revaluation reserve2 866........
    To/from buffer funds11 414196-136-3918 732
    Means allocated insurance contracts23 35823 89234 64954 73748 049
    Other operating income/ costs-8 056-1 914-3 730-5 712-7 794
    Commision received3 2358631 7752 6703 639
    Operating income, real property-4611264254
    Other operating income1403977116162
    Personell costs3 4639201 7312 7183 730
    Commision submitted1 7734469161 3361 876
    Operating costs, real property740197402600784
    Depreciations of non-financial assets525114231358558
    Other operating costs4 8841 1492 3273 5264 702
    Investment income /costs34 26912 05924 53939 59955 559
    Interest income bonds and certificates25 5826 72613 76720 74129 804
    Interest income other assets6 8812 2354 6197 34610 443
    Share dividend etc.4 4983 8347 72913 79818 346
    Interest costs2 6917361 5752 2873 034
    Gains/losses, value (re-)adjustments on financial assets109 40566 00591 319131 737150 579
    Realized gains/losses7 85310 99321 23429 51955 294
    Shares, participations and primary capital certificates32 43710 71621 52631 55360 756
    Bonds and certificates3 9931 1458181 8573 886
    Financial derivatives-28 142-1 156-1 485-4 775-10 902
    Land and buildings-122..0-12
    Other realized gains/losses-3132883778851 552
    Net change in value101 55355 01270 084102 21895 284
    Shares, participations and primary capital certificates80 80765 24773 146101 297106 794
    Bonds and certificates7 2223 8163 5528 5145 624
    Financial derivatives10 831-16 803-7 996-8 472-17 910
    Land and buildings..........
    Other net change in value2 6932 7521 381878777
    Profit/loss on ordinary activities7 1563 4686 51010 09512 699
    Other result components-142161259171333
    Tax1 0796141 3222 0212 656
    Total profit/loss year to date5 9353 0155 4478 24410 376
    Value-adjusted profit/loss..........
    Explanation of symbols
  • Life insurance companies. Balance sheet by financial instrument. NOK Million
    Life insurance companies. Balance sheet by financial instrument. NOK Million
    4th quarter 20231st quarter 20242nd quarter 20243rd quarter 20244th quarter 2024
    Intangible assets4 0784 1014 1784 1944 145
    Tangible fixed assets2 2072 1732 1722 1492 113
    Land and buildings1 3181 3181 3391 3391 339
    Machinery, equipment and vehicles7974717470
    Capital investments2 004 8442 094 2072 133 1602 210 3472 252 062
    Shares, participation and primary capital certificate352 557373 663375 667394 783415 324
    Shares in securities' fund903 073976 7071 001 9841 050 6441 083 001
    Bonds and certificates728 427742 721749 304759 637751 880
    Financial derivatives20 7861 1176 2065 2831 857
    Loans141 887138 707140 093142 046146 622
    Remaining claims50 16152 17770 47154 90556 026
    Reinsurance share of technical provisions2 2372 2582 2672 2782 294
    Other claims47 92449 91868 20452 62653 731
    Cash and bank deposits43 09333 43033 37933 91732 723
    Total assets2 246 2702 324 7952 383 4532 447 5572 493 690
    Liabilities and equity capital
    Equity126 790127 913130 343134 261128 887
    Deposit capital57 21357 02557 00358 40759 874
    Company capital7 0897 0897 0897 0897 089
    Share premium account19 57919 54419 54419 54419 544
    Other deposit capital30 54530 39230 36931 77433 240
    Retained earnings69 57770 88873 34075 85469 013
    Other equity69 57761 73262 44463 10961 700
    Not allocated profit..9 15610 89612 7457 313
    Subordinated loan capital and other loans34 11526 34827 04226 86626 126
    Bonds15 76815 30214 87715 33815 234
    Other subordinated loans18 34711 04712 16411 52810 892
    Technical provisions in life insurance2 014 8402 101 2612 167 6532 222 0032 264 769
    Premium reserve1 787 9151 851 5591 908 3681 961 3911 994 000
    Additional provisions16 721........
    Revaluation reserve8 484........
    Net reserves against outstanding claims..........
    Buffer funds141 597168 448168 121169 525184 986
    Premium and deposit fund54 04653 57753 49936 12272 760
    Pensions' share premium fund3126261857
    Net other technical provisions6 0476 0886 4056 3786 372
    Unallocated surplus funds to insurance contracts..21 56431 23448 5686 594
    Reserves against other liabilities4 8674 7453 6683 6854 379
    Provisions for pension885775711778678
    Deffered tax liabilities1 5841 6071 6131 6491 481
    Other provisions for charges2 3992 3631 3441 2582 220
    Remaining liabilites65 65764 52754 74760 74369 529
    Current tax liabilities1 7411 7502 2202 8223 191
    Other liabilities58 91851 12148 19953 96351 851
    Financial derivatives4 99811 6564 3273 95714 486
    Total liabilities2 246 2702 324 7952 383 4532 447 5572 493 690
    Number of companies1515151515
    Loan with morgage on dwelling25 49725 46525 67926 28728 030
    Net tehcnical provisions where the risk is borne by the policyholder677 760735 355766 499805 192833 600
    Explanation of symbols
  • Non-life insurance company. Profitt and loss account. NOK Million
    Non-life insurance company. Profitt and loss account. NOK Million
    4th quarter 20231st quarter 20242nd quarter 20243rd quarter 20244th quarter 2024
    Premiums earned103 94226 90855 06685 169116 670
    Gross premium earned123 24331 04264 03499 421135 882
    Reinsurance share of gross premium earned-19 301-4 135-8 968-14 252-19 212
    Claims incurred and net change in technical provisions81 76622 73243 40765 82088 595
    Gross claims cost94 68325 65547 93474 25799 657
    Reinsurance share of gross claims cost-12 762-2 966-4 151-8 064-10 466
    Net change in technical provision-15543-376-373-596
    Other operating income/ costs-15 927-3 992-8 053-12 248-16 363
    Commision received725136182230405
    Operating income, real property14371015
    Other operating income9030506674
    Personell costs10 4672 6205 1768 01711 330
    Commision submitted6 5181 4973 0704 6316 512
    Operating costs, real property37085175279400
    Depreciations of non-financial assets711145297459604
    Other operating costs-1 311-186-426-832-1 989
    Investment income /costs6 8752 1212 1793 2626 273
    Interest income5 2601 9251 9863 0204 962
    Share dividend etc.2 1393916598922 263
    Interest costs524194466650952
    Gains/losses, value (re-)adjustments on financial assets6 3864 1986 1239 07611 798
    Net realized gains/losses2 8428212 9942 8954 781
    Net change in value3 5453 3783 1296 1807 018
    Profit/loss on ordinary activities19 5116 50311 90819 43929 783
    Other result components-478-6-941-43
    Tax4 3031 1342 3294 2366 419
    Total profit/loss year to date14 7305 3639 57015 24323 320
    Explanation of symbols
  • Non-life insurance companies. Balance sheet by financial instrument. NOK Million
    Non-life insurance companies. Balance sheet by financial instrument. NOK Million
    4th quarter 20231st quarter 20242nd quarter 20243rd quarter 20244th quarter 2024
    Intangible assets4 4184 6864 6764 6995 920
    Tangible fixed assets2 7842 8002 7292 8442 899
    Land and buildings514512524521805
    Machinery, equipment and vehicles546599587568662
    Capital investments188 925195 416199 257202 235205 688
    Shares, participation and primary capital certificates32 69233 13233 52633 82529 583
    Shares in securities' fund40 19844 08844 18042 46345 002
    Bonds and certificates114 939117 038120 977125 162129 744
    Financial derivatives1 0951 1585737851 359
    Loans1 9251 9499779642 140
    Reinsurance share30 49832 18030 32830 81730 029
    Claims64 93071 40069 56167 21565 471
    Cash and bank deposits12 72620 24312 47314 98213 665
    Total assets306 206328 675320 001323 756325 812
    Liabilities and equity capital
    Eqiuty103 982109 869113 444117 659122 560
    Deposit capital23 31624 17624 31424 26926 367
    Company capital4 8184 8184 8394 8395 643
    Share premium account9 5529 5529 6649 66411 127
    Other deposit capital8 9469 8059 8119 7679 596
    Retained earnings80 66685 69389 13093 38996 193
    Other equity80 66670 47971 00371 46879 692
    Not allocated profit..15 21418 12721 92216 501
    Subordinated liabilities5 9326 4676 4936 4937 150
    Bonds5 5956 1306 1565 7316 138
    Other subordinated loans3373373377621 012
    Technical provisions in non-life insurance150 511164 062161 333159 445152 146
    Gross provision for unearned premium37 50050 32449 18242 47136 755
    Gross Provision for outstanding claims70 83169 68168 32471 00468 279
    Equalization provision42 18044 05743 82845 96947 112
    Reserves against other liabilities7 7988 4548 2678 5357 775
    Provisions for pension1 4861 4671 4661 4741 473
    Deffered tax3 1373 5373 4343 4872 712
    Other provisions for charges3 1753 4493 3673 5743 590
    Remaining liabilites37 98339 82330 46431 62436 180
    Payable tax5 2614 8443 4684 9086 140
    Dividend5 3295 09921217 724
    Other liabilities25 73929 12126 31326 37321 783
    Financial derivatives1 653759663322534
    Total liabilities306 206328 675320 001323 756325 812
    Number of companies7272757574
    Loan with mortgage on dwelling1 8751 9119118982 074
    Explanation of symbols

About the statistics

The information under «About the statistics» was last updated 16 February 2023.

Balance sheet: The balance sheet shows assets, liabilities and equity at the end of accounting period.

Profitt and loss account: The profit and loss account shows income, costs and expenses over the course of the accounting period.

We have four types of classification: instrument, sector, industry and type.

Financial instruments and physical capital
Liabilities, claims and other assets in the balance sheet of the financial institutions are divides into two main groups with a view to providing major uniform groups such as bank lending, funding and deposits.
Debtor and creditor industry
Borrowers and lenders are classified according to institutional sector classification, based on national accounts rules.
Debtor and creditor industry
Based on the rules in the industry standard, the individual financial instruments are grouped according to the debtor's or creditor's industry affiliation.
Types of income and expenses
Including interest income and expenses, are based on national accounts rules.

Relatert innhold