Continued growth in domestic bond debt
Banking and financial markets
obligasjoner, Debt securities, share issues, bonded debt, bonds, commercial paper debt, securities debtSecurities markets , Banking and financial markets

Debt securities2007

In May 2016, the Debt securities statistics were merged with the statistics for Securities registered with the Norwegian Central Securities Depository. The new merged statistics are known as the Securities statistics.


These are annual statistics with information relating to bonds.



This is an archived release.

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Continued growth in domestic bond debt

In 2007, the domestic bond debt increased by 5.5 per cent. At the end of the year, the value of the domestic bond debt amounted to NOK 775.5 billion, which is twice the debt at the end of December 1998. A considerable and growing part of bonds in Norway are issued by foreigners.

Bond debts 2003-2007

Issues 2007

In 2007, bonds were issued for NOK 225.7 in Norway. Bank bond issues dominate the market with 30 per cent. The sector ‘Rest of the world’ had however a strong increase, from 17 per cent in 2006 to 25 per cent, which means that foreigners was the second largest group of issuers in 2007. The central government’s part and the mortgage companies’ part of the issues declined from 16 per cent each in 2006 to 13 per cent and 8 per cent respectively in 2007.

Bank debt and central government debt amounted to 30 per cent and 24 per cent respectively of the total domestic bond debt, while foreigners’ bond debt amounted to 13 per cent.
