Banking and financial markets
The statistics provide an overview of the bond and commercial paper market in Norway, as well as an overview of bonds and commercial papers issued by Norwegian borrowers abroad.

Debt securitiesQ3 2015

In May 2016, the Debt securities statistics were merged with the statistics for Securities registered with the Norwegian Central Securities Depository. The new merged statistics are known as the Securities statistics.


Long-term debt securities issued in Norway, by borrowing sectors. Outstanding amount at market value in NOK million
September 2014October 2014November 2014December 2014January 2015February 2015March 2015April 2015May 2015June 2015July 2015August 2015September 2015
Outstanding amounts from long-term debt securities issued in Norway
All borrowing sectors1 750 9551 767 5121 773 2181 771 9821 741 2091 744 7011 776 5751 767 5171 727 9341 728 8481 741 2751 747 8541 755 978
Domestic borrowing sectors1 499 1551 516 2001 521 9041 525 0121 494 7451 503 9181 531 9511 533 4651 492 1781 492 8131 503 7351 509 1691 512 973
Non-financial corporations253 698255 794251 369254 732258 070256 277252 844251 415258 022262 953263 235257 769257 564
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by central government.............
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by central government42 72642 40336 66236 66440 03540 00039 97839 95039 38839 79040 99540 97941 869
Public unincorporated enterprises, owned by local government.............
Public incorporated enterprises, owned by local government64 19066 33169 35269 91273 16071 05371 02870 51371 20371 65571 47371 38771 683
Private non-financial incorporated enterprises146 730147 008145 303148 104144 823145 172141 786140 900147 380151 457150 716145 352143 961
Private non-financial unincorporated enterprises52525252525252525151515151
Private non-profit institutions serving enterprises.............
Financial corporations817 535821 215823 638814 782775 353782 332796 290798 094801 184796 683803 834809 401811 214
Norges Bank.............
Banks319 235317 924315 734310 365310 381315 191315 677318 887321 922322 760325 447326 519325 418
Mortgage companies480 845484 930489 435485 723445 999450 491462 959461 944461 850457 558461 790466 253469 558
Finance companies1 3881 4411 7151 8152 041114114114114114114114114
State lending institutions etc..............
Financial holding companies5 2084 7174 7214 6734 6544 3554 3504 3564 3514 0664 0654 0634 038
Mutual funds.............
Investment trusts and private equity funds1 1731 1731 1671 0621 0141 0071 0201 0231 0261 0271 0271 028873
Other financial enterprises, except insurance companies and pension funds5 5635 7125 5805 8276 0335 9876 1255 7005 8365 9866 1496 1986 021
Life insurance companies and pension funds3 9633 9583 9203 9583 8723 8254 6864 7104 7253 8123 8043 7883 756
Non-life insurance companies1601 3601 3661 3591 3591 3621 3591 3601 3601 3601 4381 4381 436
General government427 921439 191446 896455 499461 323465 308482 818483 956432 973433 178436 667441 999444 196
Central government356 013365 965369 378377 826383 907384 171400 333401 715351 056350 246353 680358 131361 347
Local government71 90873 22677 51877 67377 41681 13782 48582 24181 91782 93282 98783 86882 849
Non-profit institutions serving households.............
Unincorporated enterprises within households.............
Housing cooperatives etc..............
Employees, recipients of property income, pensions and social contributions, students etc..............
Rest of the world251 800251 312251 314246 970246 464240 783244 624234 052235 756236 035237 540238 685243 005