Banking and financial markets
The statistics provide an overview of the bond and commercial paper market in Norway, as well as an overview of bonds and commercial papers issued by Norwegian borrowers abroad.

Debt securitiesQ3 2015

In May 2016, the Debt securities statistics were merged with the statistics for Securities registered with the Norwegian Central Securities Depository. The new merged statistics are known as the Securities statistics.


Debt securities issued in Norway, by borrowing sectors and remaining maturity. Outstanding amounts at face value (NOK million)
<= 1 year> 1 year <= 2 years> 2 years <= 5 years> 5 years <= 10 years> 10 years <= 20 years> 20 yearsTotal
Outstanding amounts in total from debt securities issued in Norway369 735300 407745 634427 30632 36426 7121 902 158
Non-financial corporations52 49137 126125 69356 41113 7651 598287 084
Banks58 47963 604136 19948 31242315 930322 947
Other financial corporations59 39773 097229 04692 21815 4718 090477 319
Central government and social security funds89 00065 73767 000195 000..416 737
Local government70 34017 80027 17016 6381 74017133 705
Non-profit institutions serving households00....0
Rest of the world40 02843 043160 52718 7279651 077264 367